Letter I Wrote To A Mormon Girl
A Mormon girl I knew from the far past wrote me and asked me these four questions.
1. Is there a God who is our Father?
2. Is Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Savior of the world?
3. Was Joseph Smith a prophet?
4. Is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the kingdom of God on earth?
2. Is Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Savior of the world?
3. Was Joseph Smith a prophet?
4. Is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the kingdom of God on earth?
Hello xxxxxx,
In answer to your questions...
1. Is there a God who is our Father? Yes, but He was never once a man, and became a God by "working" his way up the ladder, so to speak.
2. Is Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Savior of the world? Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of the world. But, not a created being, not the one the Mormons believe in.
3. Was Joseph Smith a prophet? Joseph Smith was not a prophet of God. He changed the words of God, and even wrote himself into the book of Mormon, so as he could prove that he was a prophet of God.
4. Is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the kingdom of God on the earth? No!
Mormons and Christians have the same vocabulary, but do not use the same dictionary.
Mormons cannot call themselves Christians, and Christians cannot call themselves Mormons.
A Christian defines God as always God, an unchanging spirit, always omnipotent, always perfect, and always all knowing.
A Mormon defines God as not eternal, used to be a man, has a body of flesh and bones, started as a man and lived and died and was resurrected and became a God. Also, this god gained all the "God" attributes progressively and has a wife.
When Mormons and Christians talk about God, they are not talking about the same God.
Jesus to a Christian is that same God. God the Son, always existed as God, and became incarnate in order save those that would believe in Him.
The Mormon definition of Jesus is that he was born in heaven to physical parents in the preexistence, and that Satan is a brother of ours. Mormons believe Jesus became incarnate in order to become a God and has been a God for about 2000 years. Mormons believe Jesus is one of the three Gods of the “Trinity.”
Mormons and Christians do not believe in the same Jesus.
The “Trinity” to a Christian is three persons in one. In other words, three persons is one being.
The Mormon definition of the “Trinity” is three different Gods, who are only one in purpose and doctrine.
There is only one God to a Christian.
When a Christian says, “There is only one God!” That is what he or she means.
There are many Gods to a Mormon. They say, “We only worship one God, God the Father.” But Jesus is also a God, and the Holy Spirit is another God. And there are countless other Gods.
There is only one God to a Christian.
To a Christian, God created all things. Literally, God created everything that exists. God created all that is out of nothing.
To a Mormon, matter is eternal, God just organized it.
Heaven to a Christian is God’s dwelling.
Heaven to a Mormon is Celestial, Terrestrial, or Telestial.
A Christian is saved by the Grace of God. All the benefits of salvation come at the cost of Christ’s sacrifice.
The Mormon definition is Jesus gets you resurrected. But you may get burned and you really need to work hard to get full salvation. Mormons say, “Saved by grace after all that we do!”
The Biblical teaching is opposite of what the Mormons teach. Grace is not grace in Mormonism.
Exaltation to a Christian is being with God forever, in glorified human bodies.
Exaltation to a Mormon is becoming a God and populating your own heaven with spiritual children.
Gospel to a Christian is the good news of the forgiveness of sin through faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection. The thing you believe to be totally saved.
Gospel to a Mormon is the host of Mormon teachings that Joseph Smith brought. The stuff you learn and then perform to get to different levels of salvation.
With kind regards,
In answer to your questions...
1. Is there a God who is our Father? Yes, but He was never once a man, and became a God by "working" his way up the ladder, so to speak.
2. Is Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Savior of the world? Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of the world. But, not a created being, not the one the Mormons believe in.
3. Was Joseph Smith a prophet? Joseph Smith was not a prophet of God. He changed the words of God, and even wrote himself into the book of Mormon, so as he could prove that he was a prophet of God.
4. Is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the kingdom of God on the earth? No!
Mormons and Christians have the same vocabulary, but do not use the same dictionary.
Mormons cannot call themselves Christians, and Christians cannot call themselves Mormons.
A Christian defines God as always God, an unchanging spirit, always omnipotent, always perfect, and always all knowing.
A Mormon defines God as not eternal, used to be a man, has a body of flesh and bones, started as a man and lived and died and was resurrected and became a God. Also, this god gained all the "God" attributes progressively and has a wife.
When Mormons and Christians talk about God, they are not talking about the same God.
Jesus to a Christian is that same God. God the Son, always existed as God, and became incarnate in order save those that would believe in Him.
The Mormon definition of Jesus is that he was born in heaven to physical parents in the preexistence, and that Satan is a brother of ours. Mormons believe Jesus became incarnate in order to become a God and has been a God for about 2000 years. Mormons believe Jesus is one of the three Gods of the “Trinity.”
Mormons and Christians do not believe in the same Jesus.
The “Trinity” to a Christian is three persons in one. In other words, three persons is one being.
The Mormon definition of the “Trinity” is three different Gods, who are only one in purpose and doctrine.
There is only one God to a Christian.
When a Christian says, “There is only one God!” That is what he or she means.
There are many Gods to a Mormon. They say, “We only worship one God, God the Father.” But Jesus is also a God, and the Holy Spirit is another God. And there are countless other Gods.
There is only one God to a Christian.
To a Christian, God created all things. Literally, God created everything that exists. God created all that is out of nothing.
To a Mormon, matter is eternal, God just organized it.
Heaven to a Christian is God’s dwelling.
Heaven to a Mormon is Celestial, Terrestrial, or Telestial.
A Christian is saved by the Grace of God. All the benefits of salvation come at the cost of Christ’s sacrifice.
The Mormon definition is Jesus gets you resurrected. But you may get burned and you really need to work hard to get full salvation. Mormons say, “Saved by grace after all that we do!”
The Biblical teaching is opposite of what the Mormons teach. Grace is not grace in Mormonism.
Exaltation to a Christian is being with God forever, in glorified human bodies.
Exaltation to a Mormon is becoming a God and populating your own heaven with spiritual children.
Gospel to a Christian is the good news of the forgiveness of sin through faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection. The thing you believe to be totally saved.
Gospel to a Mormon is the host of Mormon teachings that Joseph Smith brought. The stuff you learn and then perform to get to different levels of salvation.
With kind regards,
Joining the Mormon Church will result in a lifetime of bondage to a program of man made works with no certainty of salvation. Mormons believe that the death and resurrection of Jesus was not sufficient enough to pay for their sins. Works have been added by the Mormon Church.
Two Whole Hours On Mormonism
This video is about Mormonism and it is done with a heart of love for them and a desire for them to know the true peace that comes through THE TRUE JESUS.
(1 Hour, 55 Minutes, 31 Seconds)
"Mormonism Is A Cult: Contending For The Faith Conference!"
Pastor Mike Winger of Hosanna Christian Fellowship (Bellflower, California)
From (Mike Winger) of YouTube, Published on May 25, 2020
"Mormonism Is A Cult: Contending For The Faith Conference!"
Pastor Mike Winger of Hosanna Christian Fellowship (Bellflower, California)
From (Mike Winger) of YouTube, Published on May 25, 2020
How The Devil Devours Nations, People, Churches & Christians
(49 Minutes, 44 Seconds)
"How The Devil Devours Nations, People, Churches & Christians!"
Pastor Art Watkins of Coden Bible Church (Coden, Alabama)
From (828crimson) of YouTube, Published on October 21, 2016
"How The Devil Devours Nations, People, Churches & Christians!"
Pastor Art Watkins of Coden Bible Church (Coden, Alabama)
From (828crimson) of YouTube, Published on October 21, 2016
The Book of Mormon is 19th Century Religious Fiction
Joining the Mormon Church will result in a lifetime of bondage to a program of man made works with no certainty of salvation. Mormons believe that the death and resurrection of Jesus was not sufficient enough to pay for their sins. Works have been added by the Mormon Church.
Married to a Mormon Mason
July 16, 2017
by Michael B
Whereas my wife is very active in the LDS church and temple, I am not. I was raised as a Roman Catholic which turned me off to organized religion at a young age.
My wife on the other hand was LDS. When we met, neither of us attended any kind of religious services. However several years into our marriage, a medical emergency prompted my wife to get back into the LDS faith. Despite my dislike of organized religion, I agreed to attend church with my wife. I have always believed in God and have read the Bible but the hypocrisy of many of the Christian denominations has kept me away.
At first, I liked the friendly family oriented message of the LDS. However, as I read more of their literature I became disenchanted. The LDS people I have met and those I am related to are very good, law abiding people. They work hard and think coffee and tea are drugs. For me the end of my participation in the LDS faith was when my wife wanted to "get sealed" in the LDS temple. She gave me some books to read and I realized that there was another side to the LDS. The LDS temples are not open to all Mormons, let alone the public. To go to the temple you must get a temple recommend card and undergo an interview with the stake president who asks questions about your beliefs, coffee, alcohol, drug usage, and tithing.
After reading about the temple and some of symbols, secret handshakes, the temple garments, I saw the Masonic connection. That should not have been a surprise as the founder of the faith - Joseph Smith and his successor Brigham Young were Masons.
Brigham Young played a huge role in the development of the faith. Not only did he lead the people across the continent to Utah but he essentially ruled the Mormons as their king. One look his face told me he was not a man to be taken lightly but someone to fear. He had the face of a thug or a gangster.
A lot of good information is available on YouTube. I came across a video from NEWNAMENOAH of the LDS temple in Gilbert, AZ. The video is 21 minutes long and shows the Celestial Room inside the temple. You can also see the strange attire worn inside the temple. Both men and women wear green aprons which are supposed to represent the fig leaves worn by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. This is clearly Masonic.
There is an explanation of the symbols embroidered on the undergarments worn by the priesthood. They are clearly masonic and consist of a square, compass, and ruler. The same symbols are used at Masonic Lodges and by Mason to identify each other. This video demonstrates the various handshake and grips used in the temple. Secret handshakes are common in fraternal orders such as the Masons and college fraternities. Another ritual taken from fraternal orders is the knocks at the door. Years ago I belonged to the B.P.O.E. (Elks) and initiations began with knocks at the meeting room door. The veil is supposed to symbolize the separation between the material life and after life. However when I first viewed it in this video all I could think of was the classic movie - The Wizard of Oz.
This video has close ups of the aprons and the women's head dress, and you can hear the three knocks as they go behind the veil.
This video is of a prayer circle. Temple goers are given new names to be used in the temple. Those are secret names not to be revealed outside the temple. Temple worthy Mormons are also instructed not to reveal what happens inside the temple. Husbands and wives are not to discuss temple ordinances with each other when not in the temple.
This video shows close ups of the prayer circle and grips. Also you can see the women are required to cover their faces.
This video is the washing and anointing ritual.
This video is of the Baptisms for the Dead. Mormons believe that you must be baptized in water to go to heaven. These baptisms are done by proxy and temple goers provide the physical body so that the dead can be baptized.
My wife became a Mormon again after we were married. I investigated the faith but rejected it after I saw too many connections to Masonry. Sadly I see it as more of a cult than a faith. Had my wife been involved with the church when we met, I doubt we would have married. She is a good person though and does not drink alcohol or coffee, smoke, or use drugs. The faith seems to help her and give her hope. I think God is understanding and will not punish those make mistakes but are of good character and have good intentions.
As for me, I am disappointed that the Mormon faith like so many others has changed so much of what Christ taught while he was here on earth. Modern Christianity has become a religion about Jesus not the religion he taught. Jesus Christ did not teach in secret. The Sermon on the Mount is one example. He did not restrict anyone from listening to his sermons. All people, men and women were welcome to listen. He was a doer and not just a talker. He washed his disciple's feet to show his humility and to demonstrate how they should treat other people.After the crucifixion, the early followers of Jesus often met in secret to avoid persecution.
The early leaders made compromises with other religions and pagans to keep the faith from dying and to get new members. What we have today in Christianity is the result of those compromises. The Vatican was built over shrines dedicated to Magna Mater (Great Mother) so it should be no surprise the Virgin Mary is so important in the Roman Catholic faith. This is but one result of the compromises. There are others.
NEWNAMENOAH has his own YouTube channel with 68 videos. If you have ever wondered what goes on inside those temples, go to YouTube and watch his videos .NEWNAMENOAH has his own YouTube channel with 68 videos. If you have ever wondered what goes on inside those temples, go to YouTube and watch his videos.
Related - 1857 Mormon Massacre of Wagon Train
Related - Mormonism is Luciferian and Masonic
Related - Michael Hoffman- Mormons are a Masonic Front
First Comment from Anonymous
I am an ex-Mormon. I have been through the temple many times for 30 years. I served 2 years as a missionary.
All of this paranoia and films looking for anything, the tiniest excuse to scream the devils are coming makes these anti-Mormons look like buffoons. I have not seen any devils or made any covenants with who knows what. It was all simple and straightforward. It is highly symbolic and most, even high ranking Mormons do not understand it all.
It is a false idea that what goes on in the temple cannot be discussed outside, though the vast majority hold it to be so. We covenant only not to reveal the mason-like signs and tokens outside of the temple. I will not reveal these because I made a promise not to do so, Though I'm no longer in favor of the church, I will as a devout Christian keep my promise.
Joseph Smith was a Mason and he was murdered by the Masons for questioning and changing their rituals in the LDS temple. Joseph claimed that the masonic rituals have been handed down through the millennia have been altered and corrupted.
For many years Mormons were prohibited from joining the Masons; however that ban has been lifted a few years ago.
My reason for leaving the Mormons are because of some doctrines, official history and the stranglehold the Church has on members to not question beyond their limits. If you dare question the official version of things, you will catch hell from the leaders going up the chain to the head honcho himself. We must be honest, but too honest is not advised. Blind obedience is something to be cherished.
People think Mormon teachings are strange, but from a Buddhist, Confucianist or Hindu perspective, general Christianity is quite bizarre. Though I consider myself a strong Christian, I prefer to remain outside of all organized religion from now on.
(41 Minutes, 6 Seconds)
"Zane Newitt's Testimony!"
From (Rightly Dividing) of YouTube, Published on May 1, 2014
"Zane Newitt's Testimony!"
From (Rightly Dividing) of YouTube, Published on May 1, 2014
Zane Newitt Exposes Cults! Cults Including: Mormonism / JW's / Free Masons / Witchcraft / Religious Thinking
Mormons & Sex - The Hidden Truth!
Jesus Stated!
From The King James Holy Bible, Matthew 22:30
30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
So, the idea of polygamy in Heaven is preposterous!
Mormons & Sex - The Hidden Truth!
(19 Minutes, 2 Seconds)
"Mormons & Sex - The Hidden Truth!"
From (Zac Barr) of YouTube, Published on December 7, 2013
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Mormons And Freemasonry, A Satanic Cult!
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"Mormons & Freemasonry, A Satanic Cult!"
From (FieryFurnace1's channel) of YouTube, Uploaded on March 25, 2011
"Mormons & Freemasonry, A Satanic Cult!"
From (FieryFurnace1's channel) of YouTube, Uploaded on March 25, 2011
Banned Mormon Cartoon!
This cartoon is an excerpt from the film, The Secret World of Mormonism!
(8 Minutes, 41 Seconds)
"Banned Mormon Cartoon, extended version!"
From (Jeremiah Films) of YouTube, Uploaded on May 27, 2011
"Banned Mormon Cartoon, extended version!"
From (Jeremiah Films) of YouTube, Uploaded on May 27, 2011
The Secret World Of Mormonism!
By Jeremiah Films!
(41 Minutes, 56 Seconds)
"The Secret World Of Mormonism!"
From (Eric Eribee) of YouTube, Published on December 3, 2012
"The Secret World Of Mormonism!"
From (Eric Eribee) of YouTube, Published on December 3, 2012
50 Problems With The Mormon Church
(9 Minutes, 36 Seconds)
"50 Problems With The Mormon Church!"
From (The Mormon Informant) of YouTube, Published on September 28, 2015
"50 Problems With The Mormon Church!"
From (The Mormon Informant) of YouTube, Published on September 28, 2015
Mormons & Their Secret Temple Rites Exposed!
(18 Minutes, 59 Seconds)
"Mormons & Their Secret Temple Rites Exposed!"
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History Of Polygamy Exposed - Mormonism Exposed!
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"History of Polygamy Exposed - Mormonism Exposed!"
From (isthechurchtrue) of YouTube, Published on March 29, 2012
The God Makers!
The God Makers is a documentary from 1982 by Jeremiah Films about the secretive and destructive practices of the Mormon Church.
The satanic teachings of the freemasonry cult founded by false prophet and high-degree freemason Joseph Smith (Freemasons worship Lucifer, the devil!) - some 70 % of the rituals of the Mormons / Latter Day Saints are freemasonic rituals. They teach the new age satanic lie of Satan how that mere humans can become "gods" - a lie started by Satan himself in the garden of Eden by which he deceived Eve first. Nothing new under the sun...
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"The God Makers: Mormonism Exposed (Original Classic)!"
From (Christian Video Vault) of YouTube, Published on February 26, 2022
"The God Makers: Mormonism Exposed (Original Classic)!"
From (Christian Video Vault) of YouTube, Published on February 26, 2022
(41 Minutes, 8 Seconds)
"The Stories Of The Wives Of Joseph Smith!"
From (Aaron Shafovaloff) of YouTube, Uploaded on June 25, 2008
"The Stories Of The Wives Of Joseph Smith!"
From (Aaron Shafovaloff) of YouTube, Uploaded on June 25, 2008
The Lost Book Of Abraham?
Investigating a Remarkable Mormon Claim!
Investigating a Remarkable Mormon Claim!
What Was It Really!
The Lost Book of Abraham is an award-winning documentary that investigates the remarkable claim that Mormon founder Joseph Smith translated a lost book of scripture from an Egyptian papyrus scroll he obtained in 1835. Hear the views of Mormon believers and World-class Egyptologists and decide for yourself.
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"The Lost Book Of Abraham!"
From (Aaron Shafovaloff) of YouTube, uploaded on June 26, 2007
"The Lost Book Of Abraham!"
From (Aaron Shafovaloff) of YouTube, uploaded on June 26, 2007
A strong trigger warning leads off this special Mormon Stories episode with our guest who prefers to be referred to as “Rachel'' for this interview. We discuss Rachel’s father being called as a mission president, the abuse she endured, and the subsequent cover-up from those in positions of power in the LDS church.
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"Survivor of Sexual Abuse and Mormon Church Cover-up!"
From (Mormon Stories Podcast) of YouTube, Published on November 29, 2021
"Survivor of Sexual Abuse and Mormon Church Cover-up!"
From (Mormon Stories Podcast) of YouTube, Published on November 29, 2021
Mormonism's Temple Of Doom - Bill Schnoebelen!
(2 Hours, 30 Minutes, 30 Seconds)
"Mormonism's Temple of Doom - Bill Schnoebelen!"
From (Providence) of YouTube, Published on December 25, 2014
"Mormonism's Temple of Doom - Bill Schnoebelen!"
From (Providence) of YouTube, Published on December 25, 2014
"The Book Of Moron, a free Masonic fairy tale, an occult philosophy, with a Christian veneer!"
Mark Dice
Mark Dice
Faith In His Blood . Org agrees with Mark Dice!
The Book of Mormon is a pathetic 19th century sham!
Modern people who insist it is valid are terribly deceived!
Modern people who insist it is valid are terribly deceived!
(3 Minutes, 36 Seconds)
"The Book of Mormon made simple, a scam by con man Joeseph Smith!"
From (tonymobius) of YouTube, Uploaded on April 1, 2010
"The Book of Mormon made simple, a scam by con man Joeseph Smith!"
From (tonymobius) of YouTube, Uploaded on April 1, 2010
The Plain Truth
About The Mormons |
Questions For Mormons |
Dangers of Cults-
Mormons (LDS) |
Information On Mormons |