How The Devil Devours Nations, People, Churches & Christians
(49 Minutes, 44 Seconds)
"How The Devil Devours Nations, People, Churches & Christians!"
Pastor Art Watkins of Coden Bible Church (Coden, Alabama)
From (828crimson) of YouTube, Published on October 21, 2016
"How The Devil Devours Nations, People, Churches & Christians!"
Pastor Art Watkins of Coden Bible Church (Coden, Alabama)
From (828crimson) of YouTube, Published on October 21, 2016
Christ At The Door Ministry Cult
I am now an old man, but I have come to grips with what this man did to my family, and within the last couple years, "I HAVE FORGIVEN HIM!"
From the King James Holy Bible, Matthew 6:14
For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
This so called Preacher, was a child molester. He was the leader of a Southern California cult. This man molested my first wife, and all her sisters but one. How I got involved in this mess is a long story... But to show you how deceived people can be, I did not find out that this man was a child molester until I was around 55 years old. This was about 22 years after my divorce from my first wife.
I was only in the cult for about 2 years, but got thrown out because I would not go along with the program. My first wife got thrown out as well, only because she was married to me. She grew up in this cult. After we both were thrown out, years and years of hellish misery ensued... Oh... It was so awful...
My first wife is still mentally ill today as a result of what this A. Stanley Rogers did to her. She has been in and out of mental institutions, and currently lives in a halfway house with 4 other mentally impaired women. A very sad situation. It tugs at my heart each day, even today! When I was married to my first wife, I could not help her. I was always the bad guy... That is what the cult told her, and she believed it. After our divorce, over the years, her large family tried to help her as well, but to no avail...
So, I present to you the below letter. This was written by my first wife's mother. My first wife's mother passed away several years ago. But before she died, she tried to set the record straight for all her children and grandchildren.
I was only in the cult for about 2 years, but got thrown out because I would not go along with the program. My first wife got thrown out as well, only because she was married to me. She grew up in this cult. After we both were thrown out, years and years of hellish misery ensued... Oh... It was so awful...
My first wife is still mentally ill today as a result of what this A. Stanley Rogers did to her. She has been in and out of mental institutions, and currently lives in a halfway house with 4 other mentally impaired women. A very sad situation. It tugs at my heart each day, even today! When I was married to my first wife, I could not help her. I was always the bad guy... That is what the cult told her, and she believed it. After our divorce, over the years, her large family tried to help her as well, but to no avail...
So, I present to you the below letter. This was written by my first wife's mother. My first wife's mother passed away several years ago. But before she died, she tried to set the record straight for all her children and grandchildren.
This is also a sort of historical read, on how things were in the old days...
Notes... So you will understand some things:
1. People in this cult called themselves "band members." (CULT)
2. "RADIONICS" is an alternative medicine that claims disease can be diagnosed and treated with a kind of energy similar to radio waves. The concept behind radionics originated in the early 1900s with Albert Abrams (1864–1924), who became a millionaire by leasing radionic machines which he designed himself. Radionics contradicts some principles of physics and biology and so is commonly considered pseudoscience. The United States Food and Drug Administration does not recognize any legitimate medical uses for such devices.
3. A. Stanley Rogers would speak at times, as though the Lord himself was speaking... "MEDIUMSHIP"
4. In the below Memories Letter, A. Stanley Rogers had molested all of her female children but one. And who else? God only knows...
5. I did not find this out until I was 55 years old, that A. Stanley Rogers molested girls... He would bring them to an orgasm, and claimed the energy released made astral bodies for souls... (I KNOW... WHAT THE HECK? THIS IS STRANGE AND WICKED AS HELL!)
(The Greek’s were into some of this satanic led thinking. Seeking knowledge and getting knowledge, not only ‘puffs up’ a person, but makes them more susceptible to demonic influence / control.)
6. Astral Body: The astral body is a subtle body posited by many philosophers, intermediate between the intelligent soul and the mental body, composed of a subtle material. The concept ultimately derives from the philosophy of Plato: it is related to an astral plane, which consists of the planetary heavens of astrology. The term was adopted by nineteenth-century Theosophists and neo-Rosicrucians.
6. When I was in the Jungles of Vietnam as an infantry combat soldier, A. Stanley Rogers was STILL molesting my first wife. "THIS WICKED PERVERTED OLD MAN, WHO GOT HIS JOLLIES BY TWISTING THE WORDS OF GOD FOR HIS OWN GRATIFICATION..."
Note: Names Xed-Out at the request of a family member.
My Dad was XXXXX XXXXXX XXXX, born in Grand Bend Ontario. His parents died and he was raised by 2 older sisters. Mother was XXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXX, born in Forest Ontario. I remember hearing when grandmother died and grandfather died after I came to live in Ontario and I went with an aunt to the funeral.
Now, Dad homesteaded in Saskatchewan in 1909. He came east for Mom in 1911. They had a frame house and a sod barn and Dad farmed. Before I was born they moved into Lawson, Sask. I don't remember much about that only we got our dog Hector, a black Newfoundland. He came on the train from Quebec from same place Dad got maple syrup. He was just a pup with big feet that he grew into and when Dad opened the wooden crate he came to me and he was my pal from then on. That is all I remember of that place. I think I was 6 when we moved to Tuxford. My sisters XXXXXXXX and XXXXXXX were 10 years older than me (a year apart) and brother XXX 5 years older. I remember very little of living with my sisters they went to Moose Jaw to finish high school. XXX got TB and spent a year or so in TB Sanitarium in Weyburn, Sask. Sun, rest and fresh air were treatments then. When she came home Dad built a deck on the roof of the front porch so she could sun bath there. I started school in Tuxford in 2 room school. 1-8 in one room, 9-11 in the other. Same 9 kids I started with graduated grade 11 with me. That is why we had to go to city to finish grade 12 and rather than go to Moose Jaw I came to live with my sister XXXXXXX in Toronto.
I had a very happy childhood. Tuxford a town of 150 people with 7 elevators. Dad was the agent of the POOL elevator so I spent a lot of time across the tracks. Always something going on there and I was sooooo happy when I finally was old enough to climb the ladder to the top and look out the windows. You could see the next town up the tracks, 9 miles or more and everything for miles around. I don't think I was ever allowed to take friends up there, too dangerous. It was thrilling when at harvest time farmers hauled wagon loads of grain. The horses walked right in until wagon was on the scales to be weighed. Then Dad pulled lever to raise the front wheels opened back and grain dumped into the pit. Let the wagon down, opened the other end doors and horses pulled out and on their way home. No trucks, all big farm horses and wagons. Sometimes this went on all day and there would be long line waiting there turn. Those days I soon learned to look but stay out of the way and no other kids with me that didn't know how to behave. The grain was moved out of the pit by a wide 16 inch black belt with metal cups on it that scooped the grain and carried it straight up to the top of the elevator. Dad could pull some big levers and have it dumped in whatever bin he wanted. Then from there it had to be loaded into railway boxcars. I can see all this so clearly but wonder if it is making any sense to you. I well remember how a kernel of wheat that dropped from up there stung on bare arms and legs.
Especially when I was younger I spent a lot of time with Dad at the elevator. His office desk was fun. Scrap paper with carbon paper. Great and I spent a lot of time drawing things. One day I tidied up his desk, big mistake, I never did that again. It seems sad that all those old elevators are gone. Playing near the track got to know the section men that repaired and kept tracks in good shape. A few times we got to ride on the cart they used on the tracks that you had to pump up and down on a wide wooden bar to make the thing go. There were always box cars left on the siding for the elevator men to use when they were loading grain if needed. Dad had a sort of wedge on long handle that you put on the track up against a wheel and pushed down on it and could move the box car in place to load. One year a box car was left long enough for a robin to build her nest on top of it. We kids found it and watched as she laid eggs and sat on them. One day the freight came to get loaded cars and move the ones that had been there. We begged the men not to take that car away so they shunted it around and moved the ones they needed and put that one back where it was so mama robin didn't loose her nest and eggs. The engineers always waved to us and the man on the caboose. Nice men probably glad to see us while they were away missing the family they left behind.
When I was older we always walked up the tracks. On the prairie no trails through the woods to follow so we walked the tracks. Lots of bulrushes in the ditches with red wing black birds and tiger lilies and frogs. In the early spring it was always great to see the robins and the meadowlarks singing their hearts out. The native grass would turn green and be filled with purple crocus. Then we would be out in rubber boots playing in the puddles and it was a big NO NO to get water over top of our boots. I have always been an outdoor gal and usually had to play with the boys the girls would rather be inside.
The field we played ball in was right across the road from home which was great I got in on any games going. Next to the field was the Orange Hall where we played ' ante i over' with a ball and then run and not get caught. Surprising I don't remember any windows getting broken. It seemed the nights we played run sheep run I usually had on a white dress, not good for hiding. Of course we knew everyone in town and kids just gather where the action is, the more the merrier.
In the winter the skating rink was just passed the field on the next street and we skated even at 40 below and hoped for no wind. High board fence around the rink that was some protection but it was usually cold going one way. Curling rink was there too and that is where the action was in the winter. My Dad loved to curl and it was fun at bonspiel time (when curling teams play one another and finally have a winner) People came from all over and the ladies served meals. Other times it was just where we put on our skates.
I had really good girl friend who lived 11/2 miles out of town. I spent a lot of time there on the farm and she stayed with me some. No cars ran in the winter. It was all team and wagon or horse and cutter. That was fun with sleigh bells ringing but it was cold, so needed to be bundled up. It was long before the day of leggings but mother knit me heavy wool leggings so I could be out and then it was really only boys to play with. When I came in my wool leggings would be matted with snow and took a long time to drip dry. Hector was my pal too and we had harness for him to pull sleigh or wagon but I always had to run with him while others rode. Summer we had tent in back yard and I slept there a lot.
Our only water for washing etc. was rain water caught off the roof and stored in cistern in basement. In winter to save that water Dad would cut huge blocks of snow and melt in boiler on the kitchen stove. Our drinking water came from town well that was 1/4 mile out of town. I forget who brought it in the winter. In the summer Dad went in the car for it. I learned at an early age to save water, it is a precious commodity on the prairie.
Tuxford was usual small town with Gas station and garage, Post office, drug store with ice cream etc, Bank, General store, Hotel, Barber shop, Chinese Cafe, United Church, Anglican Church, Odd Fellows hall, Orange Hall, Telephone Hall, School. Most of these places were fronts with family living in the back and upstairs. Whenever Mr. XXX would have a problem he didn't know how to handle he would come and see Mother and she would tell Dad and get it fixed up. I think Mother was very kind to Mrs. XXX and the children too. They had the cafe.
On this side of the tracks across from the Hotel was the Railway Station. Tuxford was on main highway from Moose Jaw to Saskatoon. The main buildings were on the highway and streets ran off that. Gravel roads, wooden sidewalks. When I lived in Saskatchewan the only paved road was the 50 miles between Moose Jaw and Regina. All other highways gravel. A trip was an all day dusty drive.
We all went to church and Sunday school. At one point I even had a Sunday school class, sang in the choir etc. We always had a Christmas concert and children performed and then got gifts. Always having church suppers. Mother baked and baked always something going on. The only times I remember Mother not being home when I came from school was on her Ladies Aid days. I went to CGIT Canadian Girls in Training, like Scouts only for girls. I went to camp with them a few times, which was fun. In the summer, sometimes Dad and I would go to the river and in the coulees (a deep ravine. On the prairie when there is a river the land does not go smoothly down all along the edge. There are places where it goes down in a deep grove and these have trees and bushes growing in them and are called coulees.) Running down to the river we picked Saskatoon berries that grew wild there; something like blue berries but not as big and sweet. I think Mother made pies with them. One day we found a young owl and brought him home. Kept him in the garage but he died, poor baby. We should have left him with his mother.
Some years the Sunday school picnic was held at the park in Moose Jaw. I loved those days. It was on a river and there were so many trails up and down the banks, some very steep. We ran and ran all day up and down I had so much fun, felt like I was flying. Lunch was good too but the hills were more fun.
As I said before, Mother was always baking for something. 70 years ago everything was made from scratch. No mixes or short cuts. Anything to do with the church, the meals were served in the United Church basement. The Anglican Church was very small and few members. Any other town affairs, like dances were held in the Odd Fellows Hall which was across the street and a few doors down from home. My sisters were around some then. Food and coffee were made at home. I remember the big oval boiler full of coffee that guys carried over to the Hall. I remember going to Halloween dances there.
We had a garden and Mother canned every thing possible. Dinner was always at noon and supper in the evening. One morning I came down and on a sheet of the heavy brown paper Dad lined the box cars with was a half a cow. Dad was sharpening his knives and starting to cut it up into roasts, ribs etc. I helped turn the grinder for what Mother made into sausages I know she canned these. It must have been into the winter so some of it would freeze and stay frozen, that I don't remember. The fat was saved and rendered down, mixed with lye and boiled and boiled, finally poured into flat wooden boxes lined with cloth and let harden and cut into squares and was the soap Mother used for laundry. We had bar soap for bathing. No bathroom or bathtub so we got good at spit baths. Maybe Dad used big tub for bath in kitchen I don't remember.
Your guys may be interested in this. My brother had a car, likely a model T. Anyway in the fall he took the motor out of it and put it in a snowmobile he made and used that to get around in the winter.
Then there were the dust storm years. The land just blew away. I remember the sting of grit and pebbles on bare legs. The air was filled with dust. It got into everything. We set the table with plates upside down and you turned them over to put food on when time to eat. That year there were no crops at home. The elevator closed so Dad went down to south of province to agent there. Mother baked buns and raisin buns and I delivered them on my wagon to people who wanted them and to the general store where he was happy to have them to sell. That was Mother and Dad, they were kind honest hard working people never ashamed to do what had to be done to care for the family. That fall there was a box car of apples from Ontario came. Dad was one of the men asked to divide and make sure everyone in town and maybe some in the country received their share of apples. Every time a freight train stopped in town there would be men get off and come asking for a meal. Mother feed everyone that came asking. She couldn't see them go hungry. She always said they were some mother's son and if it had been my brother she hoped he would get a meal. I think the word soon passed around that home was a good place to get a meal.
The only thing that grew those years was the Russian thistle that is like a tumbling weed and would break off and blow until it got stuck in a fence. More would pile up and then the soil drift and fill in until it covered the fence, so you could walk over top. That is when farmers finally learned you have to put something back in the soil. Until then farmers grew crop 2 years then summer fallowed a year which means they ploughed and left it bare, then 2 years crops. The soil was so depleted and no rain it just blew away. Then they started strip farming and growing some crops to plough back in like green manure.
We made some family trips. Came to Ontario one year and went to Banff, Lake Louise and Edmonton one year. We always had a choice ----- to make due with last years clothes and have a trip or get new clothes.
I have no memory of my sisters' middle names. Both sisters went to Moose Jaw to get grade 12. I think my older sister XXXXXXXX must have stayed and worked there, she wasn't at home. I don't know the how but she ended up working for a doctor and his family away north at place called Loon Lake. We visited her there and there was a lake and Dr. had a sail boat, my only ride in a sail boat but it was fun.
My sister XXXXXXX worked at the post office in Tuxford. Our next door neighbor had an uncle in Toronto who was a chiropractor and she told my sister he was looking for an office girl and wondered if XXX was interested. That is how XXXXXXX ended up in Toronto working for Dr. XXXXXXX. So then we heard about chiropractic and how wonderful it was.
In high school when I was 15 or 16 I started having what I called the thumpy bumps when my heart would race. I'm sure XXXXXXX heard about it and my parents took me to see an osteopath Dr. in Moose Jaw. Of course even in high school at recess we played soft ball, girls and guys together. That was often when I got the thumpy bumps and I learned if I lay down with my arms above my head and held my breath they would stop. I remember this one day lying on the grass by the ball diamond. On my back looking up at the blue sky with a few puffy white clouds and telling The Lord there was no way I was going to be an invalid and not do anything. That was the treatment for a heart condition in those days 70 years ago. I had a very serious conversation with The Lord that I was not going to be an invalid but wanted to live a normal happy life for as long as possible and then I was ready to go on with Him for whatever He had for me to do. I realize I still feel this way. I do Praise God every day for the healthy body He has given me. For my 85 years of going strong and now with the help of the pacemaker, vitamins, health care that XXX and XXXX have provided and now Dr. XXXX and XXXXX my massage gal and all the love and support of all of you and the few meds I have to take that I'm still able to take care of myself and be independent shopping and going to appointments. I can walk and do some gardening. I have so much to be thankful for. Thank You Lord.
So I'm still remembering. My brother, XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX. XXX to us always. He wasn't at home but don't remember where he worked. He was taking flying lessons in Moose Jaw and flying solo one day he crash landed. He lived a week in hospital but never really regained consciousness. One day I was sitting with him he seemed to rally and called me 'magoof' but that was all. That was what he called me a lot. My sisters both came home for his funeral. It was summer time and I remember Mother saying she was not going to wear black. She wore her white suit and if the neighbors talked she didn't care. That was Mother, when she felt right about something that involved her she did it. I think while the girls were home they help paper the dining room. Dad took XXX's death very hard, Mother was a brick and she was Dad's support from then on. XXX was 22.
It was that fall that I came to Toronto to live with XXXXXXX. I was 17.
I remember a time when I was younger that one summer I visited and stayed a week or more on a farm with people that were XXXX's friends of Dads. I helped with the churning. It was a big wooden barrel that was mounted so it turned back and forth and had a foot pedal to make it go. Also there I rode a big farm horse a mile or so on the road to the daughters home to play with the grandchildren.
All phones in the country were party lines. You were just supposed to answer your ring---like a long and 2 shorts, or 2 longs and 2 shorts or whatever. But lots of people used to listen in and hear the latest news about people. Anyway this lady who was Scotch and her friend spoke Gaelic and after a minute or 2 would hear everyone hanging up because they couldn't understand.
One Christmas time Dad rented a team and box sleigh from town livery stable and we drove many miles out of town to visit these same friends. On the way home late it started to snow and blow and Dad got sort of lost. We followed some tracks in the snow but they just led to a farm so Dad turned the horses loose to find their way home which they did and all was well. It was really cold but Mother and I and maybe Dorothy were lying down cuddled up with many blankets and likely the big old blanket made from horsehide that was really warm and heavy too as I remember.
So does it sound like Little House on the Prairie ??????
When I moved to Toronto, I went a year to Jarvis collegiate to finish grade 12. It was a nightmare for me. I had come from 2 room school, graduated with same 9 kids I started grade 1 with. Jarvis had thousand of students and by grade 12 everyone seemed to have their own click of friends. I knew nothing of making timetable and changing classes for each subject. One very kind teacher took me under his wing and helped me make sense of it all. I had one friend that was kind of an odd ball but the whole year was a nightmare. Then I started to work for Dr. XXXXXXX along with my sister.
I had one good friend who was a patient, year older than me. We rode our bikes all over the city after work. Sunny-side was along the lake and lots of action there. XXXX had sister and brother so spent lot time there. XXXX is the one I went on bike trip with. We had 2 weeks, spent 1 week on Stoney Lake in a cabin and the rest we rode 350 miles and stayed in hostels along the way. Our bikes were like ones we did papers with, no extra gears. I had rack on back of mine that held a small suitcase. XXXX had a backpack. One day we got caught in the rain which was not so good. We were young and not the speed or the traffic that there is now. XXXXX was working for Dr. XXXXXXX too that year and came up in our ford coupe with rumble seat for the weekend while we were on Stoney Lake. We went by canoe across the lake to a dance while he was there and managed to find our way home in the dark after the dance. I was the navigator; there were so many islands it was easy to get lost. We did a lot of canoeing that week and I never did learn to swim. Remember at Heart Lake I was on the beach taking care of you kids while XXXXX swam with you or floated around on his back with his hat and sunglasses on. Then in the winter he took care of you little ones while I skated with the older ones. Remember the sound of the boom when the ice cracked. It was fun.
That fall Dr. Rogers held class in Dr. XXXXXXX’s office so that was the beginning of us getting in the Band. Then family became a dirty word. XXX went to California when XXXX was born. She came back for awhile but soon went back to stay. She was here for our wedding in 41. She later married a Dr. in El Centro. XXXX too was married but I only heard of them through Mother's weekly letters that she carbon-ed so we each got a copy. By the time XXXX was born XXXXX was working with Dr. XXXXXXX and we had moved to a flat in the west end. Mother came to help me when XXXX was born and stayed a few weeks. She was very interested in Radionics and took treatments while with us. Then the year before XXXX was born when I lost a baby, Dad and Mother drove down and stayed the winter with us. We were at 49 then. Dad enjoyed curling and Mother hooked some rugs that we had for years. I think by then Dad had retired. They spent time with us, time with XXXX and family in B.C., time with XXX in California and decided they wanted to live in Saskatchewan so went back and bought a house and stayed put. When XXXX was a baby Mother was having eye problems. Dad wanted her to go on to Regina and have more tests but it was another time she decided what she wanted and came down and stayed with us and took Radionics for her eyes. She was very happy with the results. She came one day praising God that she could see the mail box that was across the street on the corner of Wellington Street. She hadn't been able to see it before. That was the last time we saw her. Her heart gave out and she passed when XXXX was a baby. Dad lived for a few years but Mother was his contact with The Lord so he was happy to go. XXXX and family were living near them now that her husband was out of the army.
Yes I had a sister XXXX and also my friend XXXX that I biked with. Years later she became member of the band and went to California to live and in time married Mother Kathryn's nephew. Later she or they got disgusted and left the band and then I lost track of her. You know anyone who left was then shunned and we were not allowed to contact them. It sounds so bizarre now but that is the way it was and so we obeyed. Yes there were lots of times things did not feel right but fear made us toe the line. XXXXX, God bless him, lived a hell of a life, damned if he did and damned if he didn't and women were second class citizens and ruled by the men. We had no say in anything. That is just the way it was and I don't know why we didn't rebel. We were truly brained washed and told it was God's Will and none of us wanted to go against God's Will. I know XXXXX tried hard to live up to what was expected of him and never did get free.
XXXX's father was a Dr. from Chicago that was holding a class in Dr. XXXXXXX's office. XXXXXXX was office girl and he took her out one evening. WE understood later that he left many children across the country where ever he had classes. XXXXXXX went to California to have XXXX. A band MD delivered him and later the XXXXXXXX's adopted him but he spent a lot of time at the old temple sight with XXXXXX XXXXX.
So you asked how I met XXXXX? When he graduated from Chiropractic College in Chicago he came to work for Dr. XXXXXXX. I was working in the office then. The waiting room was downstairs but the office and treating rooms upstairs. So I knew the day XXXXX was expected and whenever I could looked out the window to the street. So I saw this tall handsome young man in a blue summer suit get out of a car and walk across the street. I met him in the waiting room and he came upstairs to meet Dr. XXXXXXX. Of course, I was thrilled. XXXX met him when she came for treatment and said he was cute but not yet dry behind the ears but would be good for me. That was XXXX, she always said what she thought.
So XXXXX started to work for Dr. XXXXXXX and that is where it all began. He had a room not too far away so he walked to work. He didn't have a car but we used the coupe XXXXXXX and I had. One weekend his parents picked him up from work and I met them. They surely looked me up and down especially his mother, I guess by then she had heard about me. Anyway when we said good bye we said see you Sunday night and that really got a look. We often went to a Toronto beach on the lake that was a kind of lover's lane and the next morning I would be looking out to see XXXXX coming to work. Sometimes he missed his alarm and if he was late I would call and his landlady would get him up. He came on the run those mornings. Poor baby. He only had a room so it wasn't long before he was eating with us. XXXXXXX and I lived downstairs at the office and we had kitchen, living room and bedroom. Shower and bathroom in the basement. Nice back yard.
We met in the summer and were married in February by a minister who had been in Tuxford that I knew well and he and his wife were now living not too far from Toronto. So the wedding was in the office waiting room on Saturday. Dr. XXXXXXX and his wife, Minister and his wife, XXXXX's parents and sister, XXXXX, and my sister XXXXXXX was the wedding party and we used Dad XXXXXXXXX's car and went to Niagara Falls for weekend and back to work Monday. XXXXXXX must have gone soon to California because we lived at the office until I was pregnant then moved to west end.
We met in 1940 so XXXXX was 22, and I was 20. We were both very young and away from home and XXXXX very good at radionics so were drawn into the Band. Went with Dr. XXXXXXX to Detroit for Classes and just became hooked. Got the weekly mailings and The Lord's Words etc. etc. It became our way of life.
When XXXX was born we lived in a flat which was the upstairs in a house had kitchen but no running water there, stove and icebox. Next door to the bathroom so that is where I got any water for cooking or dishes. It had living room and bedroom. An elderly lady also had room on that floor, and another lady lived on next floor up. We shared bathroom with them. I washed all XXXX's clothes and diapers in the bath tub and our clothes too. I sure got some good leg muscles with all that bending over. Could hang clothes out to dry on line in back yard in summer but had to dry on clothes horse in winter. XXXXX was working for Dr. XXXXXXX so gone all day. I needed to get out so walked miles with XXXX in his buggy whenever the weather was good. He loved it and so did I.
Before XXX was born we moved to larger flat and I had access to washing machine in basement but was still upstairs with infant and 2 year old. Even as an infant XXX did not like motion. Walking with her in buggy she would squirm and fuss and not go to sleep until we stopped. XXXXX was sick a lot with belly ache and hard for him to sleep with 2 little ones so he went to Hamilton sometimes for a few days and stayed with his parents to get some rest. This was no good for me I needed XXXXX with me with 2 children.
So we moved to Hamilton and XXXXX worked in his Dad's office. We had a flat there but on the ground floor and proper kitchen, 2 bedrooms so didn't have children in room with us. We were on the street car lines and a few blocks from where his parents lived. No car. I still did a lot of walking with both XXXX and XXX in buggy. XXX was fine as long as she could see where she was going and if we weren't in a hurry XXXX could walk. Back then there was no such thing as baby seats. I had to use the high chair and prop them up so they could see what was going on. One day XXXX was out playing in the yard, I put XXX out in her highchair to watch. She let out a big roar and I went to see what was wrong. She seemed fine, all was well. I just got back in and she roared again. I couldn't find anything wrong so went back in but looked to see why the noise. Then a fly landed on the tray and she roared again. Poor baby that did it I brought her in. Funny how these little things stick in your memory.
Then in the summer of 45 we moved to Brampton. Now we had a three story house with basement. Only kitchen and pantry on ground floor the rest was office. So much space and it was all ours. There was a new picket fence around the garden that I spent a lot of time that summer painting. Right on the street I met a lot of the neighbors as they were going by. Of course I was pregnant and lost that baby that fall. Mother and Dad came down as I have told before.
XXXXX started gardening and that became his hobby. Clay soil so it took a lot of effort to build it up. Organic gardening so he was the talk of the neighborhood with all the leaves, straw, mushroom compost, leather dust, etc he gathered over the years but we finally had a good garden and you all ate the vegetables from it. Surprising how many people soon did the same.
So XXXX was born. We had beautiful babies, bald, blue eyes beautiful all of you. XXXX had some allergies. I could never have him on plastic. He had a weeping rash on his forearms. I had to keep them bandaged which was difficult for he scratched them. But like the rest of you he grew up to a husky young boy that could carry a million sticks.
XXXXXXX came along a little over 2 years later. I remember with her I never wanted to be in hospital too soon. It was easier to walk until ready not be in bed but we were a half hour or more from hospital. So XXXXX and I walked the streets in Toronto for a few hours and I didn't seem to be getting anywhere so said I want to go home. XXXXXXX came 2 weeks later. She was a spring baby and later when it got hot she was fine no heat rash or problems at all It was before XXXXXXX was born that we met Dr. XXXXXX and XXXX. There was a class in Pa. that we went to. That was before they moved to the Garden Spot. XXXXX was a 2 year old. She let me take her off the potty and called me her girl friend. She was a sweetie and still is. XXXX was busy with her friends.
XXXXXXX really gave us a scare one day. I sent XXX to Marshals & Blackwells for something from the store. For some reason she didn't go up Mill St., maybe afraid of dog or something. Anyway she went over to Elliot St and went that way. I guess XXXXXXX followed her and wasn't fast enough to see where XXX went when she got to Queen St. Kathryn went the other way across the tracks and on. Anyway we missed XXXXXXX and looked and looked, could not find her. Finally called police and they told us they had report of child someone had called in and gave us the address. So XXXXX went and got XXXXXXX. The lady said they had seen this little girl going across Queen St and it surely was not safe with all the traffic so they brought her in. She would not talk to them so wondered if she didn't understand. They were Dutch so tried that but still she wouldn't talk so they phoned police. God bless them, really nice people. I used to see them when they came to the Cleaners when I worked there.
XXXX was born the next fall. Again I say we had beautiful babies and you were all loved and accepted by all. I don't remember any of you being jealous of new baby. We were a happy family you all just moved over and made room for new member. I remember XXXX was just a few weeks old when we went to the Garden Spot again. XXXX was the one that spent the most time at the Garden Spot and he and XXXXX were great pals.
XXX was born the next year and while I was in hospital XXXXX took XXXXXXX and XXXX down to stay with XXX and XXXX. That was the time XXXX had XXXX in play pen on back porch, looked out to see if he was OK. He was having a gooey good time. He had been able to reach a basket of tomatoes and was making a mess covered with tomato juice.
So we brought XXX home to be a part of our happy family. She was our thumb sucking girl, no matter what she was doing always had one clean thumb. Then she got her prickly. She remembers that. She would stand on the railing on the back porch and call for all to hear "see me leddy-body". She was a cutie too with her honey blond curls. Don't know how it started but XXXXX called her "Pineapple George"
XXXXXX was our little Dutch girl. Mother said she was Irish but with some Dutch mixed in. So the Dutch came out in XXXXXX in her straight white blond hair, blue eyes and rosy cheeks. I remember her as a very patient little one. In her high chair at meals if I was slow giving her the next mouthful she would say " ah hoo" after 3 or 4 "ah hoos" and still no food she would voice a big "ah hooo" and likely get action. She was XXXXX's "hoody boody" It was that summer when XXXXXX was a baby that we made our first trip to California. That was an adventure you older kids remember well and have pictures to prove it.
The next year XXXXX was born. Maybe by then we were building the office building. I know XXXXX did a lot of work laying floor on the concrete one winter. Then we had older man do the inside and trim. No power tools, it was interesting to watch, he was an artist at his work. I think XXXXX moved in there before XXXX was born. That was a great day. How did we ever live with just the kitchen and pantry? I know the boys were already in the attic for it was when I was pregnant with XXXXXXX that I helped XXXXX carry all those sheets of wall board from the garage up to the attic. How can I complain that my body is getting tired. When I think of all the years I did whatever needed to be done. Went to bed and got up next day to do whatever that day brought and loved every minute of it. God is so Good. I always had a song in my heart and we did the best we could with the understanding we had. We made many mistakes and I'm sorry. You have all forgiven me, and for that I am so grateful. I know you have some happy memories for I hear of them when you get together. We tried with all the energy we had and I'm so proud of you all. The wonderful honest, loving people that you are in spite of the mistakes we made. God bless you each one. You were my life and now here I am. I have all I could ever dream of and more here in my home on New Land with you all taking such good care of me but giving me the independence I need to be me. My cup runneth over. God bless you all. I can see the way God has blessed you each one and that gives me joy. That you all know God in your own way and love Him and your neighbor as yourselves. For the wonderful grandchildren and great-grandchildren you have given me. I love to see how much you are enjoying them. Yes, yes, my cup runneth over.
Now back to our story. XXXXX was our " bow bank" girl. She dragged that blanket everywhere she went. I finally cut and made them smaller so they didn't drag so much and had enough so could be washed more often. Finally she made a hard decision, before she started school, gathered up all her bow banks and stood on stool at the back door and watched as XXXX fed them into the burn barrel. God bless her. She is also the one that got left behind one evening when we went to Heart Lake. XXXXX had to come back for her. She was across the road at XXXXXX XXXXXX, she had been showing off her new bathing suit and missed us leaving. It wasn't until we got to Heart Lake and XXX, who was responsible for XXXXX, went to get her out and she wasn't there.
You girls must all remember the big to-do it was every spring and fall when we went up to the attic to see what fit who. I needed XXX's help to keep track of you all. XXXXXXX and XXXXX were the worst jumping and twirling around. So hard to see what fit with all that and you all hated to give up what had been your favorite out fit even when it was too small. You all wore hand-me-downs but I was always so thankful when we usually came down with most of what you needed and not too much sewing to do. No wash and ware back then. Remember ironing days when I filled the plate rail in the dining room with clothes on hangers. It was a great place to hang things until put away.
Before XXXX was born my old Dr. had retired. Over the years if he was passing through on his way north he would stop in to say hello. I think he kind of had a soft spot for me and all you kids. We always let him know when we were on our way so he would be expecting a call from hospital. When XXX was born, I told the nurse to call him but she didn't believe me, so when it was time and she called for someone to come and give me anesthetic I said to doctor who came, “No I don't need anesthetic just take the baby.” He said he would I tell my doctor if was my wish. I said “Yes”. He passed the nurse all he was holding and XXX was born. When my doctor came rushing in, I told him he was too late. He said “Sorry” and he took over and looked after me. So, when I was in before XXXXXX was born. The nurse came in looking puzzled but smiling and told me my doctor had called saying he would rather be an hour early than a minute late so keep him posted. He was very good to me like an old country doctor; no fuss and we got along fine.
Around about time XXXX was born we got the Volkswagen bus. That was an experience in itself. We still made a lot of trips to the Garden Spot. For years we had gone about every weekend. Often times I hardly got all laundry done before it was time to pack again. I enjoyed that trip for that was about the only time I got away from the house, I could relax and enjoy. You were all where I could keep track of you. Those were the days of many stops to see Mrs. XXXXXX. We sang a lot to keep everyone happy. We made many night trips and you kids all curled up in the back and slept In the station wagon with the back seat down flat. I would lay all our clothes out and lay sleeping bag over top so it was soft and enough room for you all to stretch out. We always had baby between us on front seat. Long before the days of car seats and buckle up. Often times I would get car all packed, kids off to bed, lunch for trip packed and just get to bed and asleep, when XXXXX would say he had too much belly ache couldn't sleep so we might as well be on our way. So would bundle all you sleepy heads into the car and be on our way. Don't remember but it was probably a 5 or 6 or more hour drive so would get there in the morning. We drove in snow, rain, fog, sometime sunshine but Praise God always arrived safely. Surely thankful the PA. roads through the mountains were well marked and had good white line in the middle and along the ditch side. Many times that was all we could see. God bless Dr. XXXXXX and XXXX. I'm sure they earned their wings having us all there so often XXXXX used to sleep in the cottage with XXXX XXXX. I slept somewhere with all you kids.
I don't remember XXXX being at the Garden Spot. Maybe by then they had moved to Elkhart. Dr. XXX delivered her. She was XX XXXXX’s wife. He delivered XXXX and both in hospital near Cooksville. They were an interesting pair. I would see them from window coming into the hospital. He had one speed, slow, she was always one step ahead of him and would have been more but they were talking. XX was the doctor you had the year your feet were so bad. He even met you out on the grass one day we were coming to see him, looked at your feet there, and told us they stunk and what we needed to do differently. Remember that XXXXXX? You missed a whole summer with those feet. He also took care of XXXXX with his stomach operation etc and when he was in hospital before he passed.
So we got to know XX and Dr. XXX very well. When I went to see him before XXXX was born. He said I think I'll turn you over to Mama, you will like her and I did. The week before XXXX was born XXXXX had been off with the flu some of you kids too had it and there were paper routes to be done so it was a busy time. Up and down stairs all day long. XXXXX's first day back in the office XXXX decided to come. He took me to the hospital but had to come home to care for patients. Dr. XXX and I were doing fine, then one big push and she said "Darn I got my feet wet" but she caught XXXX just fine and all was well. So we had another beautiful baby girl. As I said before all our babies were beautiful. All babies are sweet but some not beautiful but ours were. Good genes I guess. Look at all your children and grandchildren, they are beautiful too.
So getting back to XXXX... Dr. XXX told me she had called XXXXX to tell him and he said he would be in that night to see me. I asked her to call him back and tell him I was fine and would see him tomorrow he needed to go to bed and get a good night's sleep. Never have I enjoyed being in bed as I did then. I was so weary, bone tired from having XXXXX and so many of you sick, what I needed was a few days rest with no one needing anything from me. I can still remember how delicious it was, even the hospital food.
XXXX came home in the same basket we used for all of you. XXXXX carried her in and put her on dining room table and all brothers and sisters gathered around to see. So that made 10 and we were so happy to have you each one.
Now we are here 49+ years later. What a life I have had. God bless you each one. For oh so many years you were my life and I would not have had it any other way. There were good times and great times and hard times but we were all there together. XXXXX and I made many mistakes that you have all suffered for but we did the best we could with the understanding we had. I'm so sorry but we can't go back. I'm so blessed that you have all forgiven me. God bless you each one. That is all we ever wanted for you, for God to bless you. I know He has blessed you as each of you in your own way and time have found the courage to stand for what you believe. You have worked and suffered to get free of the fear and guilt and the bonds of the band to be free to be your own person. You have each in your own way found your faith and how you relate to God. You are all fine, upstanding, honest, kind, thoughtful, loving, generous, sincere, hard working, successful, people. You need not feel inferior in any way. You are fine men and women and I am so proud of you each one. I marvel at the lives you have and what you do, how successful you are, each in your own field, Look at the children you have raised, the lives they are leading, successful each in their own way. Children you can be proud of and grandchildren to enjoy. And so life goes on.
I give grateful thanks many times a day for my life here on New Land. I knew when you all gathered here last year that some of you wondered if that might be the last time we could all be together. I Praise God and give thanks that I'm so much better this year I would not need a wheelchair, but it was greatly appreciated. Oh what a time we had all together. You all spoil me and I love it but I thank you so much for letting me have as much independence as possible. I know you are all here if I have a need. I so enjoy the beauty of the New Land and it gets more beautiful every day. I love to walk as far as I can to see all the changes but I drive slowly to see the rest. I have seen so many changes in my 87 years. Some good many not good. The world is moving too fast. I would not want to raise 10 children now. So all in God's time. I’m a country girl and love the simple life. My home here is all I could ask for and more and I'm thankful to be able to keep in touch with all by e-mail. God bless you each one. My cup runneth over.
XXXXXX got me started on this, telling my story. You all know or have heard or experienced all the happenings as you were growing up. That would be a long, long book to relate all that but if there are any questions or wonderings that you have I would be more than happy to tell you what I can. Somehow it seems that this story may get to each of you. Just know I love you all very much. That is something I learned many years ago. You never run out of love, it is not possible, for the more you give the more you receive for God is LOVE.
Love always,
My Dad was XXXXX XXXXXX XXXX, born in Grand Bend Ontario. His parents died and he was raised by 2 older sisters. Mother was XXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXX, born in Forest Ontario. I remember hearing when grandmother died and grandfather died after I came to live in Ontario and I went with an aunt to the funeral.
Now, Dad homesteaded in Saskatchewan in 1909. He came east for Mom in 1911. They had a frame house and a sod barn and Dad farmed. Before I was born they moved into Lawson, Sask. I don't remember much about that only we got our dog Hector, a black Newfoundland. He came on the train from Quebec from same place Dad got maple syrup. He was just a pup with big feet that he grew into and when Dad opened the wooden crate he came to me and he was my pal from then on. That is all I remember of that place. I think I was 6 when we moved to Tuxford. My sisters XXXXXXXX and XXXXXXX were 10 years older than me (a year apart) and brother XXX 5 years older. I remember very little of living with my sisters they went to Moose Jaw to finish high school. XXX got TB and spent a year or so in TB Sanitarium in Weyburn, Sask. Sun, rest and fresh air were treatments then. When she came home Dad built a deck on the roof of the front porch so she could sun bath there. I started school in Tuxford in 2 room school. 1-8 in one room, 9-11 in the other. Same 9 kids I started with graduated grade 11 with me. That is why we had to go to city to finish grade 12 and rather than go to Moose Jaw I came to live with my sister XXXXXXX in Toronto.
I had a very happy childhood. Tuxford a town of 150 people with 7 elevators. Dad was the agent of the POOL elevator so I spent a lot of time across the tracks. Always something going on there and I was sooooo happy when I finally was old enough to climb the ladder to the top and look out the windows. You could see the next town up the tracks, 9 miles or more and everything for miles around. I don't think I was ever allowed to take friends up there, too dangerous. It was thrilling when at harvest time farmers hauled wagon loads of grain. The horses walked right in until wagon was on the scales to be weighed. Then Dad pulled lever to raise the front wheels opened back and grain dumped into the pit. Let the wagon down, opened the other end doors and horses pulled out and on their way home. No trucks, all big farm horses and wagons. Sometimes this went on all day and there would be long line waiting there turn. Those days I soon learned to look but stay out of the way and no other kids with me that didn't know how to behave. The grain was moved out of the pit by a wide 16 inch black belt with metal cups on it that scooped the grain and carried it straight up to the top of the elevator. Dad could pull some big levers and have it dumped in whatever bin he wanted. Then from there it had to be loaded into railway boxcars. I can see all this so clearly but wonder if it is making any sense to you. I well remember how a kernel of wheat that dropped from up there stung on bare arms and legs.
Especially when I was younger I spent a lot of time with Dad at the elevator. His office desk was fun. Scrap paper with carbon paper. Great and I spent a lot of time drawing things. One day I tidied up his desk, big mistake, I never did that again. It seems sad that all those old elevators are gone. Playing near the track got to know the section men that repaired and kept tracks in good shape. A few times we got to ride on the cart they used on the tracks that you had to pump up and down on a wide wooden bar to make the thing go. There were always box cars left on the siding for the elevator men to use when they were loading grain if needed. Dad had a sort of wedge on long handle that you put on the track up against a wheel and pushed down on it and could move the box car in place to load. One year a box car was left long enough for a robin to build her nest on top of it. We kids found it and watched as she laid eggs and sat on them. One day the freight came to get loaded cars and move the ones that had been there. We begged the men not to take that car away so they shunted it around and moved the ones they needed and put that one back where it was so mama robin didn't loose her nest and eggs. The engineers always waved to us and the man on the caboose. Nice men probably glad to see us while they were away missing the family they left behind.
When I was older we always walked up the tracks. On the prairie no trails through the woods to follow so we walked the tracks. Lots of bulrushes in the ditches with red wing black birds and tiger lilies and frogs. In the early spring it was always great to see the robins and the meadowlarks singing their hearts out. The native grass would turn green and be filled with purple crocus. Then we would be out in rubber boots playing in the puddles and it was a big NO NO to get water over top of our boots. I have always been an outdoor gal and usually had to play with the boys the girls would rather be inside.
The field we played ball in was right across the road from home which was great I got in on any games going. Next to the field was the Orange Hall where we played ' ante i over' with a ball and then run and not get caught. Surprising I don't remember any windows getting broken. It seemed the nights we played run sheep run I usually had on a white dress, not good for hiding. Of course we knew everyone in town and kids just gather where the action is, the more the merrier.
In the winter the skating rink was just passed the field on the next street and we skated even at 40 below and hoped for no wind. High board fence around the rink that was some protection but it was usually cold going one way. Curling rink was there too and that is where the action was in the winter. My Dad loved to curl and it was fun at bonspiel time (when curling teams play one another and finally have a winner) People came from all over and the ladies served meals. Other times it was just where we put on our skates.
I had really good girl friend who lived 11/2 miles out of town. I spent a lot of time there on the farm and she stayed with me some. No cars ran in the winter. It was all team and wagon or horse and cutter. That was fun with sleigh bells ringing but it was cold, so needed to be bundled up. It was long before the day of leggings but mother knit me heavy wool leggings so I could be out and then it was really only boys to play with. When I came in my wool leggings would be matted with snow and took a long time to drip dry. Hector was my pal too and we had harness for him to pull sleigh or wagon but I always had to run with him while others rode. Summer we had tent in back yard and I slept there a lot.
Our only water for washing etc. was rain water caught off the roof and stored in cistern in basement. In winter to save that water Dad would cut huge blocks of snow and melt in boiler on the kitchen stove. Our drinking water came from town well that was 1/4 mile out of town. I forget who brought it in the winter. In the summer Dad went in the car for it. I learned at an early age to save water, it is a precious commodity on the prairie.
Tuxford was usual small town with Gas station and garage, Post office, drug store with ice cream etc, Bank, General store, Hotel, Barber shop, Chinese Cafe, United Church, Anglican Church, Odd Fellows hall, Orange Hall, Telephone Hall, School. Most of these places were fronts with family living in the back and upstairs. Whenever Mr. XXX would have a problem he didn't know how to handle he would come and see Mother and she would tell Dad and get it fixed up. I think Mother was very kind to Mrs. XXX and the children too. They had the cafe.
On this side of the tracks across from the Hotel was the Railway Station. Tuxford was on main highway from Moose Jaw to Saskatoon. The main buildings were on the highway and streets ran off that. Gravel roads, wooden sidewalks. When I lived in Saskatchewan the only paved road was the 50 miles between Moose Jaw and Regina. All other highways gravel. A trip was an all day dusty drive.
We all went to church and Sunday school. At one point I even had a Sunday school class, sang in the choir etc. We always had a Christmas concert and children performed and then got gifts. Always having church suppers. Mother baked and baked always something going on. The only times I remember Mother not being home when I came from school was on her Ladies Aid days. I went to CGIT Canadian Girls in Training, like Scouts only for girls. I went to camp with them a few times, which was fun. In the summer, sometimes Dad and I would go to the river and in the coulees (a deep ravine. On the prairie when there is a river the land does not go smoothly down all along the edge. There are places where it goes down in a deep grove and these have trees and bushes growing in them and are called coulees.) Running down to the river we picked Saskatoon berries that grew wild there; something like blue berries but not as big and sweet. I think Mother made pies with them. One day we found a young owl and brought him home. Kept him in the garage but he died, poor baby. We should have left him with his mother.
Some years the Sunday school picnic was held at the park in Moose Jaw. I loved those days. It was on a river and there were so many trails up and down the banks, some very steep. We ran and ran all day up and down I had so much fun, felt like I was flying. Lunch was good too but the hills were more fun.
As I said before, Mother was always baking for something. 70 years ago everything was made from scratch. No mixes or short cuts. Anything to do with the church, the meals were served in the United Church basement. The Anglican Church was very small and few members. Any other town affairs, like dances were held in the Odd Fellows Hall which was across the street and a few doors down from home. My sisters were around some then. Food and coffee were made at home. I remember the big oval boiler full of coffee that guys carried over to the Hall. I remember going to Halloween dances there.
We had a garden and Mother canned every thing possible. Dinner was always at noon and supper in the evening. One morning I came down and on a sheet of the heavy brown paper Dad lined the box cars with was a half a cow. Dad was sharpening his knives and starting to cut it up into roasts, ribs etc. I helped turn the grinder for what Mother made into sausages I know she canned these. It must have been into the winter so some of it would freeze and stay frozen, that I don't remember. The fat was saved and rendered down, mixed with lye and boiled and boiled, finally poured into flat wooden boxes lined with cloth and let harden and cut into squares and was the soap Mother used for laundry. We had bar soap for bathing. No bathroom or bathtub so we got good at spit baths. Maybe Dad used big tub for bath in kitchen I don't remember.
Your guys may be interested in this. My brother had a car, likely a model T. Anyway in the fall he took the motor out of it and put it in a snowmobile he made and used that to get around in the winter.
Then there were the dust storm years. The land just blew away. I remember the sting of grit and pebbles on bare legs. The air was filled with dust. It got into everything. We set the table with plates upside down and you turned them over to put food on when time to eat. That year there were no crops at home. The elevator closed so Dad went down to south of province to agent there. Mother baked buns and raisin buns and I delivered them on my wagon to people who wanted them and to the general store where he was happy to have them to sell. That was Mother and Dad, they were kind honest hard working people never ashamed to do what had to be done to care for the family. That fall there was a box car of apples from Ontario came. Dad was one of the men asked to divide and make sure everyone in town and maybe some in the country received their share of apples. Every time a freight train stopped in town there would be men get off and come asking for a meal. Mother feed everyone that came asking. She couldn't see them go hungry. She always said they were some mother's son and if it had been my brother she hoped he would get a meal. I think the word soon passed around that home was a good place to get a meal.
The only thing that grew those years was the Russian thistle that is like a tumbling weed and would break off and blow until it got stuck in a fence. More would pile up and then the soil drift and fill in until it covered the fence, so you could walk over top. That is when farmers finally learned you have to put something back in the soil. Until then farmers grew crop 2 years then summer fallowed a year which means they ploughed and left it bare, then 2 years crops. The soil was so depleted and no rain it just blew away. Then they started strip farming and growing some crops to plough back in like green manure.
We made some family trips. Came to Ontario one year and went to Banff, Lake Louise and Edmonton one year. We always had a choice ----- to make due with last years clothes and have a trip or get new clothes.
I have no memory of my sisters' middle names. Both sisters went to Moose Jaw to get grade 12. I think my older sister XXXXXXXX must have stayed and worked there, she wasn't at home. I don't know the how but she ended up working for a doctor and his family away north at place called Loon Lake. We visited her there and there was a lake and Dr. had a sail boat, my only ride in a sail boat but it was fun.
My sister XXXXXXX worked at the post office in Tuxford. Our next door neighbor had an uncle in Toronto who was a chiropractor and she told my sister he was looking for an office girl and wondered if XXX was interested. That is how XXXXXXX ended up in Toronto working for Dr. XXXXXXX. So then we heard about chiropractic and how wonderful it was.
In high school when I was 15 or 16 I started having what I called the thumpy bumps when my heart would race. I'm sure XXXXXXX heard about it and my parents took me to see an osteopath Dr. in Moose Jaw. Of course even in high school at recess we played soft ball, girls and guys together. That was often when I got the thumpy bumps and I learned if I lay down with my arms above my head and held my breath they would stop. I remember this one day lying on the grass by the ball diamond. On my back looking up at the blue sky with a few puffy white clouds and telling The Lord there was no way I was going to be an invalid and not do anything. That was the treatment for a heart condition in those days 70 years ago. I had a very serious conversation with The Lord that I was not going to be an invalid but wanted to live a normal happy life for as long as possible and then I was ready to go on with Him for whatever He had for me to do. I realize I still feel this way. I do Praise God every day for the healthy body He has given me. For my 85 years of going strong and now with the help of the pacemaker, vitamins, health care that XXX and XXXX have provided and now Dr. XXXX and XXXXX my massage gal and all the love and support of all of you and the few meds I have to take that I'm still able to take care of myself and be independent shopping and going to appointments. I can walk and do some gardening. I have so much to be thankful for. Thank You Lord.
So I'm still remembering. My brother, XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX. XXX to us always. He wasn't at home but don't remember where he worked. He was taking flying lessons in Moose Jaw and flying solo one day he crash landed. He lived a week in hospital but never really regained consciousness. One day I was sitting with him he seemed to rally and called me 'magoof' but that was all. That was what he called me a lot. My sisters both came home for his funeral. It was summer time and I remember Mother saying she was not going to wear black. She wore her white suit and if the neighbors talked she didn't care. That was Mother, when she felt right about something that involved her she did it. I think while the girls were home they help paper the dining room. Dad took XXX's death very hard, Mother was a brick and she was Dad's support from then on. XXX was 22.
It was that fall that I came to Toronto to live with XXXXXXX. I was 17.
I remember a time when I was younger that one summer I visited and stayed a week or more on a farm with people that were XXXX's friends of Dads. I helped with the churning. It was a big wooden barrel that was mounted so it turned back and forth and had a foot pedal to make it go. Also there I rode a big farm horse a mile or so on the road to the daughters home to play with the grandchildren.
All phones in the country were party lines. You were just supposed to answer your ring---like a long and 2 shorts, or 2 longs and 2 shorts or whatever. But lots of people used to listen in and hear the latest news about people. Anyway this lady who was Scotch and her friend spoke Gaelic and after a minute or 2 would hear everyone hanging up because they couldn't understand.
One Christmas time Dad rented a team and box sleigh from town livery stable and we drove many miles out of town to visit these same friends. On the way home late it started to snow and blow and Dad got sort of lost. We followed some tracks in the snow but they just led to a farm so Dad turned the horses loose to find their way home which they did and all was well. It was really cold but Mother and I and maybe Dorothy were lying down cuddled up with many blankets and likely the big old blanket made from horsehide that was really warm and heavy too as I remember.
So does it sound like Little House on the Prairie ??????
When I moved to Toronto, I went a year to Jarvis collegiate to finish grade 12. It was a nightmare for me. I had come from 2 room school, graduated with same 9 kids I started grade 1 with. Jarvis had thousand of students and by grade 12 everyone seemed to have their own click of friends. I knew nothing of making timetable and changing classes for each subject. One very kind teacher took me under his wing and helped me make sense of it all. I had one friend that was kind of an odd ball but the whole year was a nightmare. Then I started to work for Dr. XXXXXXX along with my sister.
I had one good friend who was a patient, year older than me. We rode our bikes all over the city after work. Sunny-side was along the lake and lots of action there. XXXX had sister and brother so spent lot time there. XXXX is the one I went on bike trip with. We had 2 weeks, spent 1 week on Stoney Lake in a cabin and the rest we rode 350 miles and stayed in hostels along the way. Our bikes were like ones we did papers with, no extra gears. I had rack on back of mine that held a small suitcase. XXXX had a backpack. One day we got caught in the rain which was not so good. We were young and not the speed or the traffic that there is now. XXXXX was working for Dr. XXXXXXX too that year and came up in our ford coupe with rumble seat for the weekend while we were on Stoney Lake. We went by canoe across the lake to a dance while he was there and managed to find our way home in the dark after the dance. I was the navigator; there were so many islands it was easy to get lost. We did a lot of canoeing that week and I never did learn to swim. Remember at Heart Lake I was on the beach taking care of you kids while XXXXX swam with you or floated around on his back with his hat and sunglasses on. Then in the winter he took care of you little ones while I skated with the older ones. Remember the sound of the boom when the ice cracked. It was fun.
That fall Dr. Rogers held class in Dr. XXXXXXX’s office so that was the beginning of us getting in the Band. Then family became a dirty word. XXX went to California when XXXX was born. She came back for awhile but soon went back to stay. She was here for our wedding in 41. She later married a Dr. in El Centro. XXXX too was married but I only heard of them through Mother's weekly letters that she carbon-ed so we each got a copy. By the time XXXX was born XXXXX was working with Dr. XXXXXXX and we had moved to a flat in the west end. Mother came to help me when XXXX was born and stayed a few weeks. She was very interested in Radionics and took treatments while with us. Then the year before XXXX was born when I lost a baby, Dad and Mother drove down and stayed the winter with us. We were at 49 then. Dad enjoyed curling and Mother hooked some rugs that we had for years. I think by then Dad had retired. They spent time with us, time with XXXX and family in B.C., time with XXX in California and decided they wanted to live in Saskatchewan so went back and bought a house and stayed put. When XXXX was a baby Mother was having eye problems. Dad wanted her to go on to Regina and have more tests but it was another time she decided what she wanted and came down and stayed with us and took Radionics for her eyes. She was very happy with the results. She came one day praising God that she could see the mail box that was across the street on the corner of Wellington Street. She hadn't been able to see it before. That was the last time we saw her. Her heart gave out and she passed when XXXX was a baby. Dad lived for a few years but Mother was his contact with The Lord so he was happy to go. XXXX and family were living near them now that her husband was out of the army.
Yes I had a sister XXXX and also my friend XXXX that I biked with. Years later she became member of the band and went to California to live and in time married Mother Kathryn's nephew. Later she or they got disgusted and left the band and then I lost track of her. You know anyone who left was then shunned and we were not allowed to contact them. It sounds so bizarre now but that is the way it was and so we obeyed. Yes there were lots of times things did not feel right but fear made us toe the line. XXXXX, God bless him, lived a hell of a life, damned if he did and damned if he didn't and women were second class citizens and ruled by the men. We had no say in anything. That is just the way it was and I don't know why we didn't rebel. We were truly brained washed and told it was God's Will and none of us wanted to go against God's Will. I know XXXXX tried hard to live up to what was expected of him and never did get free.
XXXX's father was a Dr. from Chicago that was holding a class in Dr. XXXXXXX's office. XXXXXXX was office girl and he took her out one evening. WE understood later that he left many children across the country where ever he had classes. XXXXXXX went to California to have XXXX. A band MD delivered him and later the XXXXXXXX's adopted him but he spent a lot of time at the old temple sight with XXXXXX XXXXX.
So you asked how I met XXXXX? When he graduated from Chiropractic College in Chicago he came to work for Dr. XXXXXXX. I was working in the office then. The waiting room was downstairs but the office and treating rooms upstairs. So I knew the day XXXXX was expected and whenever I could looked out the window to the street. So I saw this tall handsome young man in a blue summer suit get out of a car and walk across the street. I met him in the waiting room and he came upstairs to meet Dr. XXXXXXX. Of course, I was thrilled. XXXX met him when she came for treatment and said he was cute but not yet dry behind the ears but would be good for me. That was XXXX, she always said what she thought.
So XXXXX started to work for Dr. XXXXXXX and that is where it all began. He had a room not too far away so he walked to work. He didn't have a car but we used the coupe XXXXXXX and I had. One weekend his parents picked him up from work and I met them. They surely looked me up and down especially his mother, I guess by then she had heard about me. Anyway when we said good bye we said see you Sunday night and that really got a look. We often went to a Toronto beach on the lake that was a kind of lover's lane and the next morning I would be looking out to see XXXXX coming to work. Sometimes he missed his alarm and if he was late I would call and his landlady would get him up. He came on the run those mornings. Poor baby. He only had a room so it wasn't long before he was eating with us. XXXXXXX and I lived downstairs at the office and we had kitchen, living room and bedroom. Shower and bathroom in the basement. Nice back yard.
We met in the summer and were married in February by a minister who had been in Tuxford that I knew well and he and his wife were now living not too far from Toronto. So the wedding was in the office waiting room on Saturday. Dr. XXXXXXX and his wife, Minister and his wife, XXXXX's parents and sister, XXXXX, and my sister XXXXXXX was the wedding party and we used Dad XXXXXXXXX's car and went to Niagara Falls for weekend and back to work Monday. XXXXXXX must have gone soon to California because we lived at the office until I was pregnant then moved to west end.
We met in 1940 so XXXXX was 22, and I was 20. We were both very young and away from home and XXXXX very good at radionics so were drawn into the Band. Went with Dr. XXXXXXX to Detroit for Classes and just became hooked. Got the weekly mailings and The Lord's Words etc. etc. It became our way of life.
When XXXX was born we lived in a flat which was the upstairs in a house had kitchen but no running water there, stove and icebox. Next door to the bathroom so that is where I got any water for cooking or dishes. It had living room and bedroom. An elderly lady also had room on that floor, and another lady lived on next floor up. We shared bathroom with them. I washed all XXXX's clothes and diapers in the bath tub and our clothes too. I sure got some good leg muscles with all that bending over. Could hang clothes out to dry on line in back yard in summer but had to dry on clothes horse in winter. XXXXX was working for Dr. XXXXXXX so gone all day. I needed to get out so walked miles with XXXX in his buggy whenever the weather was good. He loved it and so did I.
Before XXX was born we moved to larger flat and I had access to washing machine in basement but was still upstairs with infant and 2 year old. Even as an infant XXX did not like motion. Walking with her in buggy she would squirm and fuss and not go to sleep until we stopped. XXXXX was sick a lot with belly ache and hard for him to sleep with 2 little ones so he went to Hamilton sometimes for a few days and stayed with his parents to get some rest. This was no good for me I needed XXXXX with me with 2 children.
So we moved to Hamilton and XXXXX worked in his Dad's office. We had a flat there but on the ground floor and proper kitchen, 2 bedrooms so didn't have children in room with us. We were on the street car lines and a few blocks from where his parents lived. No car. I still did a lot of walking with both XXXX and XXX in buggy. XXX was fine as long as she could see where she was going and if we weren't in a hurry XXXX could walk. Back then there was no such thing as baby seats. I had to use the high chair and prop them up so they could see what was going on. One day XXXX was out playing in the yard, I put XXX out in her highchair to watch. She let out a big roar and I went to see what was wrong. She seemed fine, all was well. I just got back in and she roared again. I couldn't find anything wrong so went back in but looked to see why the noise. Then a fly landed on the tray and she roared again. Poor baby that did it I brought her in. Funny how these little things stick in your memory.
Then in the summer of 45 we moved to Brampton. Now we had a three story house with basement. Only kitchen and pantry on ground floor the rest was office. So much space and it was all ours. There was a new picket fence around the garden that I spent a lot of time that summer painting. Right on the street I met a lot of the neighbors as they were going by. Of course I was pregnant and lost that baby that fall. Mother and Dad came down as I have told before.
XXXXX started gardening and that became his hobby. Clay soil so it took a lot of effort to build it up. Organic gardening so he was the talk of the neighborhood with all the leaves, straw, mushroom compost, leather dust, etc he gathered over the years but we finally had a good garden and you all ate the vegetables from it. Surprising how many people soon did the same.
So XXXX was born. We had beautiful babies, bald, blue eyes beautiful all of you. XXXX had some allergies. I could never have him on plastic. He had a weeping rash on his forearms. I had to keep them bandaged which was difficult for he scratched them. But like the rest of you he grew up to a husky young boy that could carry a million sticks.
XXXXXXX came along a little over 2 years later. I remember with her I never wanted to be in hospital too soon. It was easier to walk until ready not be in bed but we were a half hour or more from hospital. So XXXXX and I walked the streets in Toronto for a few hours and I didn't seem to be getting anywhere so said I want to go home. XXXXXXX came 2 weeks later. She was a spring baby and later when it got hot she was fine no heat rash or problems at all It was before XXXXXXX was born that we met Dr. XXXXXX and XXXX. There was a class in Pa. that we went to. That was before they moved to the Garden Spot. XXXXX was a 2 year old. She let me take her off the potty and called me her girl friend. She was a sweetie and still is. XXXX was busy with her friends.
XXXXXXX really gave us a scare one day. I sent XXX to Marshals & Blackwells for something from the store. For some reason she didn't go up Mill St., maybe afraid of dog or something. Anyway she went over to Elliot St and went that way. I guess XXXXXXX followed her and wasn't fast enough to see where XXX went when she got to Queen St. Kathryn went the other way across the tracks and on. Anyway we missed XXXXXXX and looked and looked, could not find her. Finally called police and they told us they had report of child someone had called in and gave us the address. So XXXXX went and got XXXXXXX. The lady said they had seen this little girl going across Queen St and it surely was not safe with all the traffic so they brought her in. She would not talk to them so wondered if she didn't understand. They were Dutch so tried that but still she wouldn't talk so they phoned police. God bless them, really nice people. I used to see them when they came to the Cleaners when I worked there.
XXXX was born the next fall. Again I say we had beautiful babies and you were all loved and accepted by all. I don't remember any of you being jealous of new baby. We were a happy family you all just moved over and made room for new member. I remember XXXX was just a few weeks old when we went to the Garden Spot again. XXXX was the one that spent the most time at the Garden Spot and he and XXXXX were great pals.
XXX was born the next year and while I was in hospital XXXXX took XXXXXXX and XXXX down to stay with XXX and XXXX. That was the time XXXX had XXXX in play pen on back porch, looked out to see if he was OK. He was having a gooey good time. He had been able to reach a basket of tomatoes and was making a mess covered with tomato juice.
So we brought XXX home to be a part of our happy family. She was our thumb sucking girl, no matter what she was doing always had one clean thumb. Then she got her prickly. She remembers that. She would stand on the railing on the back porch and call for all to hear "see me leddy-body". She was a cutie too with her honey blond curls. Don't know how it started but XXXXX called her "Pineapple George"
XXXXXX was our little Dutch girl. Mother said she was Irish but with some Dutch mixed in. So the Dutch came out in XXXXXX in her straight white blond hair, blue eyes and rosy cheeks. I remember her as a very patient little one. In her high chair at meals if I was slow giving her the next mouthful she would say " ah hoo" after 3 or 4 "ah hoos" and still no food she would voice a big "ah hooo" and likely get action. She was XXXXX's "hoody boody" It was that summer when XXXXXX was a baby that we made our first trip to California. That was an adventure you older kids remember well and have pictures to prove it.
The next year XXXXX was born. Maybe by then we were building the office building. I know XXXXX did a lot of work laying floor on the concrete one winter. Then we had older man do the inside and trim. No power tools, it was interesting to watch, he was an artist at his work. I think XXXXX moved in there before XXXX was born. That was a great day. How did we ever live with just the kitchen and pantry? I know the boys were already in the attic for it was when I was pregnant with XXXXXXX that I helped XXXXX carry all those sheets of wall board from the garage up to the attic. How can I complain that my body is getting tired. When I think of all the years I did whatever needed to be done. Went to bed and got up next day to do whatever that day brought and loved every minute of it. God is so Good. I always had a song in my heart and we did the best we could with the understanding we had. We made many mistakes and I'm sorry. You have all forgiven me, and for that I am so grateful. I know you have some happy memories for I hear of them when you get together. We tried with all the energy we had and I'm so proud of you all. The wonderful honest, loving people that you are in spite of the mistakes we made. God bless you each one. You were my life and now here I am. I have all I could ever dream of and more here in my home on New Land with you all taking such good care of me but giving me the independence I need to be me. My cup runneth over. God bless you all. I can see the way God has blessed you each one and that gives me joy. That you all know God in your own way and love Him and your neighbor as yourselves. For the wonderful grandchildren and great-grandchildren you have given me. I love to see how much you are enjoying them. Yes, yes, my cup runneth over.
Now back to our story. XXXXX was our " bow bank" girl. She dragged that blanket everywhere she went. I finally cut and made them smaller so they didn't drag so much and had enough so could be washed more often. Finally she made a hard decision, before she started school, gathered up all her bow banks and stood on stool at the back door and watched as XXXX fed them into the burn barrel. God bless her. She is also the one that got left behind one evening when we went to Heart Lake. XXXXX had to come back for her. She was across the road at XXXXXX XXXXXX, she had been showing off her new bathing suit and missed us leaving. It wasn't until we got to Heart Lake and XXX, who was responsible for XXXXX, went to get her out and she wasn't there.
You girls must all remember the big to-do it was every spring and fall when we went up to the attic to see what fit who. I needed XXX's help to keep track of you all. XXXXXXX and XXXXX were the worst jumping and twirling around. So hard to see what fit with all that and you all hated to give up what had been your favorite out fit even when it was too small. You all wore hand-me-downs but I was always so thankful when we usually came down with most of what you needed and not too much sewing to do. No wash and ware back then. Remember ironing days when I filled the plate rail in the dining room with clothes on hangers. It was a great place to hang things until put away.
Before XXXX was born my old Dr. had retired. Over the years if he was passing through on his way north he would stop in to say hello. I think he kind of had a soft spot for me and all you kids. We always let him know when we were on our way so he would be expecting a call from hospital. When XXX was born, I told the nurse to call him but she didn't believe me, so when it was time and she called for someone to come and give me anesthetic I said to doctor who came, “No I don't need anesthetic just take the baby.” He said he would I tell my doctor if was my wish. I said “Yes”. He passed the nurse all he was holding and XXX was born. When my doctor came rushing in, I told him he was too late. He said “Sorry” and he took over and looked after me. So, when I was in before XXXXXX was born. The nurse came in looking puzzled but smiling and told me my doctor had called saying he would rather be an hour early than a minute late so keep him posted. He was very good to me like an old country doctor; no fuss and we got along fine.
Around about time XXXX was born we got the Volkswagen bus. That was an experience in itself. We still made a lot of trips to the Garden Spot. For years we had gone about every weekend. Often times I hardly got all laundry done before it was time to pack again. I enjoyed that trip for that was about the only time I got away from the house, I could relax and enjoy. You were all where I could keep track of you. Those were the days of many stops to see Mrs. XXXXXX. We sang a lot to keep everyone happy. We made many night trips and you kids all curled up in the back and slept In the station wagon with the back seat down flat. I would lay all our clothes out and lay sleeping bag over top so it was soft and enough room for you all to stretch out. We always had baby between us on front seat. Long before the days of car seats and buckle up. Often times I would get car all packed, kids off to bed, lunch for trip packed and just get to bed and asleep, when XXXXX would say he had too much belly ache couldn't sleep so we might as well be on our way. So would bundle all you sleepy heads into the car and be on our way. Don't remember but it was probably a 5 or 6 or more hour drive so would get there in the morning. We drove in snow, rain, fog, sometime sunshine but Praise God always arrived safely. Surely thankful the PA. roads through the mountains were well marked and had good white line in the middle and along the ditch side. Many times that was all we could see. God bless Dr. XXXXXX and XXXX. I'm sure they earned their wings having us all there so often XXXXX used to sleep in the cottage with XXXX XXXX. I slept somewhere with all you kids.
I don't remember XXXX being at the Garden Spot. Maybe by then they had moved to Elkhart. Dr. XXX delivered her. She was XX XXXXX’s wife. He delivered XXXX and both in hospital near Cooksville. They were an interesting pair. I would see them from window coming into the hospital. He had one speed, slow, she was always one step ahead of him and would have been more but they were talking. XX was the doctor you had the year your feet were so bad. He even met you out on the grass one day we were coming to see him, looked at your feet there, and told us they stunk and what we needed to do differently. Remember that XXXXXX? You missed a whole summer with those feet. He also took care of XXXXX with his stomach operation etc and when he was in hospital before he passed.
So we got to know XX and Dr. XXX very well. When I went to see him before XXXX was born. He said I think I'll turn you over to Mama, you will like her and I did. The week before XXXX was born XXXXX had been off with the flu some of you kids too had it and there were paper routes to be done so it was a busy time. Up and down stairs all day long. XXXXX's first day back in the office XXXX decided to come. He took me to the hospital but had to come home to care for patients. Dr. XXX and I were doing fine, then one big push and she said "Darn I got my feet wet" but she caught XXXX just fine and all was well. So we had another beautiful baby girl. As I said before all our babies were beautiful. All babies are sweet but some not beautiful but ours were. Good genes I guess. Look at all your children and grandchildren, they are beautiful too.
So getting back to XXXX... Dr. XXX told me she had called XXXXX to tell him and he said he would be in that night to see me. I asked her to call him back and tell him I was fine and would see him tomorrow he needed to go to bed and get a good night's sleep. Never have I enjoyed being in bed as I did then. I was so weary, bone tired from having XXXXX and so many of you sick, what I needed was a few days rest with no one needing anything from me. I can still remember how delicious it was, even the hospital food.
XXXX came home in the same basket we used for all of you. XXXXX carried her in and put her on dining room table and all brothers and sisters gathered around to see. So that made 10 and we were so happy to have you each one.
Now we are here 49+ years later. What a life I have had. God bless you each one. For oh so many years you were my life and I would not have had it any other way. There were good times and great times and hard times but we were all there together. XXXXX and I made many mistakes that you have all suffered for but we did the best we could with the understanding we had. I'm so sorry but we can't go back. I'm so blessed that you have all forgiven me. God bless you each one. That is all we ever wanted for you, for God to bless you. I know He has blessed you as each of you in your own way and time have found the courage to stand for what you believe. You have worked and suffered to get free of the fear and guilt and the bonds of the band to be free to be your own person. You have each in your own way found your faith and how you relate to God. You are all fine, upstanding, honest, kind, thoughtful, loving, generous, sincere, hard working, successful, people. You need not feel inferior in any way. You are fine men and women and I am so proud of you each one. I marvel at the lives you have and what you do, how successful you are, each in your own field, Look at the children you have raised, the lives they are leading, successful each in their own way. Children you can be proud of and grandchildren to enjoy. And so life goes on.
I give grateful thanks many times a day for my life here on New Land. I knew when you all gathered here last year that some of you wondered if that might be the last time we could all be together. I Praise God and give thanks that I'm so much better this year I would not need a wheelchair, but it was greatly appreciated. Oh what a time we had all together. You all spoil me and I love it but I thank you so much for letting me have as much independence as possible. I know you are all here if I have a need. I so enjoy the beauty of the New Land and it gets more beautiful every day. I love to walk as far as I can to see all the changes but I drive slowly to see the rest. I have seen so many changes in my 87 years. Some good many not good. The world is moving too fast. I would not want to raise 10 children now. So all in God's time. I’m a country girl and love the simple life. My home here is all I could ask for and more and I'm thankful to be able to keep in touch with all by e-mail. God bless you each one. My cup runneth over.
XXXXXX got me started on this, telling my story. You all know or have heard or experienced all the happenings as you were growing up. That would be a long, long book to relate all that but if there are any questions or wonderings that you have I would be more than happy to tell you what I can. Somehow it seems that this story may get to each of you. Just know I love you all very much. That is something I learned many years ago. You never run out of love, it is not possible, for the more you give the more you receive for God is LOVE.
Love always,
From the King James Holy Bible, Romans 12:18
18 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
18 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
From the King James Holy Bible, Matthew 6:14
For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
To his credit (A. Stanley Rogers), although late in the coming, he "BEGGED ON HIS DEATH BED JUST BEFORE HE DIED" to be forgiven by the girls he molested. Also, to be forgiven by the families of the molested girls. I did not know about any of this until I was around 55 years old.
A. Stanley Rogers asking for forgiveness from all he abused, brings this verse to mind.
Psalms 51:4
4 Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.
Once again ‘asking’ of others to do something, rather than just stating ‘he was sorry’ - a user and an abuser does not see... Like God says, they’re blinded by the god of this world (SATAN).
Psalms 51:4
4 Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.
Once again ‘asking’ of others to do something, rather than just stating ‘he was sorry’ - a user and an abuser does not see... Like God says, they’re blinded by the god of this world (SATAN).
"A Real Bible Teacher!"
Part 1 of 3
(51 Minutes, 37 Seconds)
Pastor Troy Clemens, Berean Bible Study (Theodore, Alabama)
From (Troy Clemens) of YouTube, Published on July, 17, 2017
Pastor Troy Clemens, Berean Bible Study (Theodore, Alabama)
From (Troy Clemens) of YouTube, Published on July, 17, 2017
Part 2 of 3
(44 Minutes, 10 Seconds)
Pastor Troy Clemens, Berean Bible Study (Theodore, Alabama)
From (Troy Clemens) of YouTube, Published on July, 17, 2017
Pastor Troy Clemens, Berean Bible Study (Theodore, Alabama)
From (Troy Clemens) of YouTube, Published on July, 17, 2017
Part 3 of 3
(58 Minutes, 45 Seconds)
Pastor Troy Clemens, Berean Bible Study (Theodore, Alabama)
From (Troy Clemens) of YouTube, Published on July 21, 2017
Pastor Troy Clemens, Berean Bible Study (Theodore, Alabama)
From (Troy Clemens) of YouTube, Published on July 21, 2017