WHY THE CHARISMATIC MOVEMENT IS DANGEROUS Pastor Art Watkins of Coden Bible Church (Coden, Alabama) August 15, 2011 A Brief History Of The Movement: In the early 1900's the present day Pentecostal Movement or charismatic movement came into being. They emphasized speaking in tongues and divine healing. They taught many lies and false doctrines regarding the ministry of the Holy Spirit and deceived many people. It got its start in a black holiness church in Los Angeles located on Azusa Street. All Pentecostalists point back to that black holiness church on Azusa Street in Los Angeles as the origin of the modern day charismatic movement. They call it the “Azusa street revival”. Soon after its beginning the Pentecostal movement began to creep into some Protestant churches. But they were soon run out of these churches, because of their false doctrines and wild practices. A few things can be said for most of the early Pentecostals: they rejected the liberalism of the ecumenical movement, and would not condone mixing the world with the church and they stood firm against Catholicism. Their churches were called, Pentecostal, Assembly of God, Holiness, and Church of God. They wore dresses down to their ankles, wore no make up, had long hair, had no T.V. and did not go to the movies, practiced separation from the world and preached against all worldly amusements. In the 1960's a new movement took shape, that believed the basic doctrines of the old Pentecostalists, but they advocated a "stay in" rather than "come out" policy with regard to church affiliations. This movement is commonly known as the "Charismatic Movement." It involves not only Protestant churches, but Roman Catholic churches too. In fact, if a person is able to quote "speak in tongues" or if he has experienced a quote "healing", he is accepted by the charismatics with little or no regard to his church affiliation or doctrinal belief. Consequently, you hear of Catholic charismatics as well as Protestant charismatics. And when you hear Catholics charismatics talk about how their quote "baptism in the Holy Spirit" has given them a greater love for the Mass and Mary, you know this movement is not of God. In the 1980's, yet another movement appeared on the religious scene which made the Pentecostal/Charismatic false doctrines even more appealing and dangerous. The reason why is because this movement promoted the same, basic unscriptural doctrines held by the Pentecostalists and Charismatics while at the same time they denied any relationship to either of these groups. That made them attractive to evangelicals and fundamentalists who did not want to wear the label of either group because of their deviant teachings and wild practices. They do not even call their churches Pentecostal. They call them by such names as; Word of Life Community Church, Abundant Life Church, New Song Church, Cornerstone Christian Fellowship Church, Metro Church, and Harvest Church etc. The instigation of this new movement came from several books and many lectures to evangelical groups around the world by John Wimber, founder of the Vineyard Christian Fellowship, and Peter Wagner of Fuller Theological Seminary. Both men influenced each other and as they experimented with various teachings and practices relating to "healing, miracles, signs, and wonders" they soon went even beyond the Pentecostal and charismatic errors. They claimed that the casting out of so-called "territorial spirits" was essential to the task of world evangelization; and, that God had re-established the offices of prophets and apostles. And that these apostles and prophets receive direct messages from God for the church, and that they have divine authority over the church. This newest movement is often called "Power Evangelism" or "The Third Wave of the Holy Spirit." Today these three groups Pentecostalists, Charismatics, and Power Evangelism are very ecumenical and have blended together to form a powerful coalition which is rapidly spreading. It is very dangerous religious system and every Bible Believer needs to watch out for it and be on guard against it. It is dangerous because: ----It accepts tongues, visions, dreams, prophecies as being messages from God to his people. This is very dangerous because once you accept "extra-biblical messages" (those which are in addition to the Bible but not necessarily contrary to the Bible per se) it is not long before you will be accepting "anti-biblical messages" as being valid (those which directly contradict God's Word). In Medugorje, Yugoslavia a group of Catholics said that Mary was appearing to them in visions and told them that we ought to pray and fast. That's an extra biblical message and it is not contrary to the Bible per se. But then they say she appeared again in another vision and said, "We ought to fast and pray the rosary." That's anti-biblical because it contradicts the word of God. But if you accept the first vision as being from God, you will accept the second. The charismatic Movement has done and is doing exactly that. The truth is all extra-biblical messages are anti-biblical messages because God's word is complete and it warns us specifically against adding to the scripture. Proverbs 30:6 says; Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar. Deuteronomy 4:2 says; Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it. Charismatics defend these extra-biblical messages by saying that "new winds of the Holy Spirit are blowing" and who knows what the Holy Spirit may do? But the Holy Spirit is the one who completed the word of God and he is the one who warned us about adding to the Word of God. He is not going to contradict himself by giving you an "extra-biblical" revelation. God gives no revelations outside the scriptures. If you receive an extra-biblical revelation you got it from the Devil not God. I saw and heard Oral Roberts hold up a Bible and ask this question: Do you really believe that all that God has to say to you is in this little book? The answer is yes, but charismatics like Roberts believe that God speaks to them outside the word of God. ----It encourages its followers to stay in apostate Protestant churches and Roman Catholic churches and others that preach false gospels and false doctrine. They believe that if the supposed "gifts of the Spirit" are present in a church like the Catholic Church or a modernist Protestant church, then joining them in worship and service is OK. They assume that if signs and wonders are found in any church it is good to join with them, for it must be of God. But what saith the scriptures? In Galatians 1:6-9 Paul said that any man or church that preaches a gospel that is different from his is cursed of God. In 2 John 10-11 John said that those who fellowship with false teachers are partakers of their evil deeds. God expects and demands us to get out of any religious system that preaches false doctrine and false gospels. God says to separate your self from these people. It is through false signs and wonders the Devil persuades people to stay in these apostate churches that God said to get out of. The Charismatic Movement promotes the Ecumenical Movement and the Catholic Church by over looking their serious doctrinal errors. They say love is more important then doctrine and if the gifts of the Spirit are found in any church then its good to fellowship and worship with them. That is why you find Roman Catholic priests on TBN for it is a charismatic television net work. ----It sells and promotes false satanic Bibles. Very few charismatics use a King James Bible. They use the ASV, NIV, RV, and all the rest of the false Bibles that attack the deity of Christ, blood atonement, and most of the fundamentals of the faith. I can think of no cult or false religion today that uses a KJB. They all use other Bibles because you can't build a cult or a false religion around a KJB. If they use it they have to change the words in it. That's one of many reasons why I believe God had a hand in preserving his word in the KJB. It is the only Bible that the Devil can't use. It's the only Bible he hates. If the Devil hates it, I'm for it. If the Devil will not use it, that's reason to use it. ----It places unscriptural and undue emphasis on physical healing. They preach that Christ not only died to save you, but he died to heal you and that it is always God's will to heal. This false doctrine has done untold damage physically, mentally, and spiritually to 1000's of people. If you expect and demand God to heal you, what will you do when he doesn't? God can heal anyone at anytime, but he does not heal everyone, every time. Paul asked God to heal him three times, but he didn't. Paul had to leave Trophimus sick in Miletum because God would not heal him and Trophimus was a faithful, spiritual, man of God. Timothy was sick and God would not heal him and had to take medicine for his sickness, even though he was a faithful apostle. When you pray and ask God to heal you just remember that healing is always God's right based upon what he knows is best for you. Paul was a better man because God did not heal him. The charismatics demand and expect God to heal them and ignore what the Bible really says about healing. They cause untold suffering and disappointment and dissolution in those who never get healed. (See my book: Four Sick Men) ----It promotes and encourages a spirit of worldliness in the church and in the believer. Years ago Pentecostalists lived godly, holy, and separated lives. They were careful in how they talked, dressed, and the places and people they associated with. But now charismatic churches are no different from the average night club as far as dress, music, speech, are concerned. Instead of striving for true holiness and godliness in speech, dress, hair, music, and entertainment they pride themselves in using worldly, sensual, carnal means to entertain their own and attract the lost. The PTL club has introduced dancing, rock music and rap music into the church. I once saw a man playing a piano on the PTL club and all of a sudden he got up and grabbed one of the ladies and started dancing with her and everyone thought it was just fine! ----It encourages women to forsake their God given place in the home and in the Church. ----It encourages women to take places of leadership in the home and in the church. Ninety five percent of women preachers are in the charismatic churches. If they take the position of a pastor in the church it just a small step to taking the position as the head of the home. This results in disorderly homes and disorderly churches. What saith the scriptures about women preachers and authority? See 1 Timothy 2:11-12, 3:1-2, 1 Corinthians 14:34, Ephesians 5:22-24. ----It promotes what is called “coming under the power” or being “slain in the Spirit”. Its a dangerous practice in which the Charismatic preacher lays hands on someone causing them to swoon, faint, slump down, and experience “the power", and remaining unconscious or semi-conscience for several seconds or minutes." It’s another of many practices the charismatics have picked up from the occult. In all pagan occult religions the leaders have power to put a spell upon people that causes them to faint, swoon, pass out and remain that way for great periods of time. Some people pretend to faint, but many do, and the ones who do, really come under a power, the power of Satan. ----It glories in miracles and uses miracles as the basis for validating a persons message or practice even though both are unscriptural. What is dangerous about this is that in the last days many false prophets will deceive many by signs, wonders and miracles. The antichrist will work signs wonders and miracles. The false prophet will work signs wonders and miracles. If you are led to believe that a man’s message is true or his practice is right by "miracles" you are sitting duck for the Devil who is the ultimate Charismatic. The way you validate a man's message and methods is by the word of God. Judge him by the gospel he preaches and the doctrines he teaches. If he is a true man of God he will preach the gospel of grace and teach the doctrines of grace. See Isaiah 8:20. ----It confuses and misleads believers as to scriptural teachings concerning prayer. Read my article: Problem Prayer Promises. ----It promotes dangerous teachings concerning the present power of Satan and the believer’s attitude toward him. Charismatic leaders whip their audiences into frenzy as they speak of binding Satan, casting him out of people and into the pit. They talk about stomping on Satan and chasing him out of the world. If you think you can bind Satan and chase him out of the world and stomp on him you are deceived. You are actually inviting him to attack you with such nonsense. We are to resist the Devil and to stand against the wiles of the Devil, but only God can bind him and stomp on him and put him in the pit. (Rev. 20:1-3) Even Michael the arch angel respected the power of Satan - Jude 9. The Charismatic Movement is an instrument of Satan to obscure the true ministry and blessings of the Holy Spirit. His true ministry is to reprove the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. He intercedes in prayer to the Father in behalf of the believer. He comforts, teaches and guides believers into the truth. He baptizes believers into the body of Christ. He seals us unto the day of redemption. The Charismatic Movement has perverted, profaned and blasphemed the Holy Spirit and his true ministry. The Holy Spirit has a blessed and important ministry and we dare not neglect, belittle, or pervert his wonderful ministry. Additional notes: There is a group of charismatics today called The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) that has most of the same beliefs as the Word of Faith (WOF) charismatics. They are a part of the so called "Power Evangelism" or "The Third Wave of the Holy Spirit" charismatics. They are all related and are all shot through with false doctrine and apostates. The following is a few of their heretical teachings; Advocates believe they are equal with Jesus Christ and have the same power that Jesus had. They believe they receive extra-biblical revelations from God apart from Scripture and they are able to rewrite doctrine with "new understanding." They are modern day prophets and apostles and claim that the biblical ministry of an apostle has been forgotten so God has called them to restore it. They are "Super Apostles" second only to God. They believe the local church is a theocracy and the government of the church must be under the leadership of restored "apostles." They believe "all people, nations, and demonic principalities must submit to these so-called apostles and prophets, who will lead God's end-times army in establishing His kingdom on earth." They believe that through the power of the Holy Spirit-who was the source of all of Jesus' power when He was here on earth-- they can perform miracles even greater than Jesus performed because they have access to the same power source, the Holy Spirit. They've been commanded by God to "take dominion" over certain spheres of influence. They call this the Seven Mountain mandate. These mountains of influence are (1) Arts and Entertainment; (2) Business/Economy; (3) Education; (4) Family; (5) Government; (6) Media; (7) Religion. According to Peter Wagner mentioned before: We can pray for all these mountains with power because we have that power that Jesus had and it's up to us to be in a place where we're open to release that power of the Holy Spirit so that His name will be know and that His kingdom will advance. Did you get that? Wagner believes born again Christians have the same power that Jesus had. Do we… really? No! First off, the Holy Spirit is a not a personal power source and God's people are not Energizer Bunnies! Secondly, the Holy Spirit cannot be manipulated. Thirdly, if we have the same power that Jesus had, why are true believers unable to walk on water? Why can't we stop a tornados and hurricanes in their tracks? Why are God's people unsuccessful at bringing our dead loved ones back to life? Jesus performed miracles with a wave of a hand. He also used words, but very few. "Lazarus," He commanded, "come forth!" Lazarus, who had been dead 4 days, instantly obeyed his voice and came out of the tomb. (John 11:43) Have you seen any of these so called miracle workers feed 9000 men with a few fishes and few loves of bread? (Matt. 14:17, Matt. 15:36) I would like to see Peter Wagner or Cindy Jacobs or Rick Joyner or Todd Bentley perform the same kinds of miracles Jesus did. Read what Mark Vrankovich says about these people: These Super Apostles do not follow Paul's example. They are rigorous self-promoters who see power and wealth as important goals. They demand that you cede (to yield typically by treaty) to their authority. Church members must sign "covenants" stating that they will obey the church leadership. Church leaders themselves must "submit" their lives to the Super Apostles. To not submit is to rebel against God's will and condemn you to a barren Christian life outside the protection of the Super Apostles magical "umbrella of authority". What does the Word of Life movement believe? Faith is a force. Our words are the containers of our faith or fear. Through faith we can create our own reality. Pastor Gary Gilley explains that, Supporters of this movement believe that faith works like a mighty power or force. Through faith we can obtain anything we want - health, wealth, success, whatever. However, this force is only released through the spoken word. As we speak the words of faith, power is discharged to accomplish our desires. Later in his article Gilley says of faith teacher Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Copeland states the faith formula this way: "All it takes is 1) Seeing or visualizing whatever you need, whether physical or financial; 2) Staking your claim on Scripture; and 3) Speaking it into existence." Paul Yonggi Cho, borrowing from the occult, has developed what he calls the "Law of Incubation." Here is how it works: "First make a clear-cut goal, then draw a mental picture, vivid and graphic, to visualize success. Then incubate it into reality, and finally speak it into existence through the creative power of the spoken word" What does the Bible say about these men? Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple (Romans 16:17-18). And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them (Ephesians 5:11). If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds (2 John 1:10-11). Why do people become charismatics or join charismatic churches? (a) Many people are born into it. (b) It is appealing and exciting to the flesh. The music is what draws many people into it. That is why so many in it are lost. (c) Because of the deadness of most churches. People get tired of sitting in dead churches and charismatic churches seem to be alive and it sucks them in. (d) Because some want a deeper relationship with God and they think they can get it in the charismatic movement. But what they get is satanic delusion. The way to keep “alive” and develop a deeper relationship with God is by a consistent prayer life, systematic Bible reading, confessing and forsaking sin, and winning souls. These things will keep you “bubbling like an Alka- Seltzer” spiritually speaking.