THE DOCTRINE AND MORALS OF MARTIN LUTHER KING (MLK) Pastor Art Watkins of Coden Bible Church (Coden, Alabama) January 16, 2018 Compiled and edited by David J. Stewart While it is widely believed that Martin Luther King, Jr. was committed to the “Christian religion,” he was far from it. He denied some of the most fundamental components of historic Christianity. He repudiated the doctrine of the deity of Jesus, and he rejected the concept that the Lord was raised bodily from the dead. King disdained the New Testament affirmation of Christ’s virgin birth, asserting that the early Christians devised a mythological story to account for the moral uniqueness of Jesus of Nazareth. His theology has been profusely documented in The Christian News Encyclopedia. ----1. In his paper "What Experiences of Christians Living in the Early Christian Century Led to the Christian Doctrines of the Divine Sonship of Jesus, the Virgin Birth, and the Bodily Resurrection ( )," MLK thought that in order to understand the true meaning of orthodox creedal doctrines—like the divine Sonship of Jesus, the virgin birth, and the bodily resurrection—the literal element needed to be stripped away in order to uncover the true experiential foundation beneath it. **** MLK believed that doctrine of Jesus’ deity developed due to Greek philosophical influence and because the early church saw him as the highest and the best. **** MLK believed that the “virgin birth” was unscientific and untenable; like divine Sonship, this doctrine developed as a way for the early church to indicate how highly they valued the uniqueness of Jesus. **** MLK believed that the doctrine of the resurrection of Jesus was an attempt by the pre-scientific early church to symbolize the experience that they had with Jesus. ----2. Read in light of the above, it is clear to me that in the paper, "The Sources of Fundamentalism and Liberalism Considered Historically and Psychologically ( )," MLK is self-consciously identifying himself with classical theological liberalism and rejecting the doctrines of fundamentalism. **** MLK praised theological liberalism. In addition to the denial of the doctrines of divine Sonship, the virgin birth, and the resurrection, MLK points out that there is also a denial of Scriptural inerrancy and the doctrine of the fall. **** MLK scorned theological fundamentalism. MLK seems not to believe in the direct creation of the world by God, man as being in the image of God, the historical account of Adam and Eve, the person of the Devil, the Fall, hell, the Trinity, the substitutionary atonement, and the Second Coming. ----3. In his paper, “A Study of Mithraism ( ),” MLK suggests that the doctrines of the early church grew out of the Greek mystery religions and cults which flourished at that time. ----4. In an interview with Time Magazine (,33009,940759-1,00.html ), MLK seems to indicate that it was at Crozer Theological Seminary (the setting for the term papers quoted above) that he saw that the ministry was a framework by which he could express his philosophy of social protest. ****King Was NO Baptist Preacher, and Certainly NO Christian**** "By the time King entered Boston University, he was learning how to use his theological training to enrich his preaching and, in the process, return to his roots as a Baptist preacher." ( ) Martin Luther King was a heretic, NOT a Baptist preacher. The Baptist faith has certain distinguishing distinctives, you can't just call yourself a "Baptist" and become one. Doctrinally, King was a false prophet. The following information clearly reveals that Martin Luther King Jr. was NO Baptist and certainly NO Christian. At Crozer, King was introduced to personalism, a philosophical school of thought that had developed in the late nineteenth century at Boston University and other American universities. After reviewing a text by Boston professor Edgar S. Brightman, a leading personalist theologian, King reported, in an essay for one of his classes, that he was... amazed to find that the conception of God is so complex and one about which opinions differ so widely." King conceded that he was still "quite confused as to which definition [of God] was the most adequate," but thought that Brightman's personalist theology held the greatest appeal. Its emphasis on the reality of personal religious experience validated King's own religious experiences. King reaffirmed his belief that "every man, from the ordinary simple-hearted believer to the philosophical intellectual giant, may find God through religious experience." His reading of Brightman led him to discover his own spirituality: ****The Morals Of Martin Luther King**** It is widely known that King was a womanizing adulterer. Under the order of U. S. Attorney General Bobby Kennedy, the FBI wired King's offices, and hotel rooms from 1963 to 1968. These tapes notably records his transactions with communist agents, but also wild interracial sex orgies which included acts of perversion. King's aids would use tax exempt money donated to his southern Christian Leadership conference to hire White prostitutes to perform sexual acts with him. King often would use two prostitutes at the same time. These shocking tapes were ordered sealed for 50 years by U.S. Federal Judge John Smith Jr. on January 31, 1977. In other words we will not be able to learn all the gory details until the year 2027. Some 90 congressmen, led by the late rep. Larry McDonald, urged Congress to find out what was on these tapes before they approved the disgraceful King Holiday Bill. A cowardly and spineless Congress voted 338 to 90 approving the King Holiday. Still, many have been able to learn some of the shocking incidents recorded in the King tapes. Washington's old Willard Hotel was the scene of King forcing White women to drink "black Russian" and performing sexual acts with him. In Las Vegas King's aids paid $100 each to prostitutes to join him in orgies. In New York city King got drunk and threatened a young White girl working for civil rights to submit to his strange sexual tastes or he would jump from the 13th floor window. She succumbed to prove to loyalty to King. In Norway, King was nude when stopped by police while chasing a woman down a hotel corridor. In Los Angeles a dentist supporter of King was outraged when he discovered his wife engaged in weird sexual acts with the civil rights leader. King was forced to flee the city after the dentist threatened to kill him. This escapade was taped on February 20, 1968. The following April someone else would shoot King. Is this the kind of man we want to hold up to our children to be honored as a national hero? It has been well-documented that King was a serial adulterer and womanizer. Here is an account of just one night—the night before his assassination—as recounted in Ralph Abernathy’s 1989 autobiography, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down. ( [7] ). Abernathy was a close friend of King’s and was with him that night. * King gave a rousing speech (“I’ve Been to the Mountaintop”); * King then had dinner with a woman afterward and remained with her till 1 AM. * King came back to his motel to spend the night with a second woman. * In the early morning hours a third woman came looking for King and became angry when she found the bed in the room he shared with Abernathy unoccupied. * When King reappeared, he argued with woman #3 and wound up knocking her across the bed. Dear friends, don't let the news media and the politicians and the preachers deceive you about this man.