PRIDE Pastor Art Watkins of Coden Bible Church (Coden, Alabama) August 23, 2018 There are many folks today who were brought up in church and have heard the gospel many times, but are not saved. Why? One of the main reasons is pride. They are too proud to admit that what God says about them is true. God has said over and over again that we are sinners. We are sinners because we are guilty of every sin his law condemns. Sin is a transgression of the law of God and when you break one law, you are guilty of breaking them all. This means we are guilty of the sins of lying, stealing, lusting, adultery, blasphemy, idolatry, murder, rebellion and many more. These are serious charges God brings against us and few people will admit they are guilty of these sins. Pride keeps them from being saved for until a person admits they are guilty of all the sins the law of God condemns God cannot save them. Christ died for sinners and God saves sinners, but pride stands in way of many folks today. They have never owned up to being the sinner God says they are and they have never called on to God to save them. They are religious, go to church and do many good works and many people think they are saved, but they are just fooling people. They have a form and appearance of godliness, but it’s fake. It’s not the real thing. Dear friend if this describes you then swallow your pride today and take your place along side of the rest of us sinners who have owned up to what God said about us and today trust Christ alone to save you. He died and paid for your sins in full and God raised him from the dead. Call on the Lord and ask him to save you today. There is nothing in this world worth going to hell for including your pride.