ARE YOUR KIDS REALLY SAVED? Pastor Art Watkins of Coden Bible Church (Coden, Alabama) August 14, 2017 Written By a Baptist Missionary concerning church kids who claimed to be saved. “Having taught in my church’s Christian school, I truly believe that out of an enrollment of 40-50 kids, most likely more than 95% were lost. It breaks my heart to see so many young people have a head knowledge of Christ, but they have never truly believed from the heart. What concerns me even more than that is that many parents and even church leaders seem to not want to acknowledge the reality of the situation. We comfort ourselves with the fact that our kids memorize Bible verses and come to church, when in reality most of them come because Mom or Dad make them, and then during the services most of them are sleeping, laughing and talking to their friends, or checking their cell phones. Most youth groups in Independent Baptist Churches (Bible Churches Too) are an absolute joke. My wife and I spent 20 months on deputation visiting Independent Baptist Churches, and we could not believe some of the things we were seeing from the youth groups. It is high time that Independent Baptist churches (Bible churches too) face the issue of our unconverted youth, because if we don’t our churches are headed for disaster.”